中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 ea组合学生练习 一.Listen and judge. 二.Read and choose. 三. Complete the words. __ eat __ eam __ean ___ea 四. Listen and write: Build the Word Bank 1. 7. 2 5 8. 3 6. 9. Listen and judge. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.□ 8. Read and choose. 1.This seal swims in the sea. A. ★★★★ 2.Nick eats peas and meat. A. B 3.The teachers read on the beach. B. 4.A peach and an ice-cream on the jeans. A. B.D A Pea in the Sea 8 Audrey L.Hcining-Boynton Amien Liu Jane Wilde A Pea in the Sea The peacock drops her pea in the sea. It's not easy to pick up the pea. gagne the pea for me Please!Please pick up The peacock goes to Mr.Flea. 0 Mr.Flea jumps into the sea. 合 But he can't find the p Mr.Flea drinks up all the water in the sea. Now the peacock has her ped. 、1 分 司 23 And Mr.Flea has a cup of tea 6 Now the peacock has her pea, Mr.Flea Jumps into the sea The peacock drops her pea in the sea And Mr.Flea has a cup of tea But he can't find the pea. It's not easy to pick up the pea APea in the Sea Mr.Flea drinks up all the water in the sed. 居 'Please!Please pick up the pea for me. The peacock goes to Mr.Flea 8(
课件网) Sound of the vowel pair “ea” 攀登英语阅读版二年级上册 Sound of the vowel pair “ea” in er ir ur or ee first birth sister stir hurt burn purse pork horse lord tree beef meet river dinner purse hurt burn birth first stir sister dinner river pork horse lord tree meet beef -er -ir -ur -ee -or water dinner river winter tiger bird first shirt skirt dirty hurt nurse purple purse turtle see bee tree meet green pork fork horse born sport Phonics Who is it How does it feel Guess: What will happen Why is the peacock so sad Does the peacock get her pea back Think and guess. How Who Can he find the pea What will he do next Can he find the pea now ea What can you find (你发现了什么) pea peacock sea flea tea ea ea ea ea ea Hello, I’m letter e. I say my name ‘e’. Hi , I’m letter a. I say my name ‘a’. When these two friends go out walking… Letter e does the talking. He says the name ‘e’. But letter a won’t do the same. = Ee e… p ea pea s ea sea t ea tea fl ea flea 1. ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea 3. ea ea ea ea ea ea The -ea family ea ead ean eal eat 全班分为四组,每组选一个组合,进行拼读竞赛。 Team work. -ead Word Family ead r read ead b bead ead l lead eat h h eat eat m eat n tr eat n eat eat tr eat -eat Word Family j ean jean -ean Word Family d ean dean l ean lean cl ean clean -eal Word Family eal s seal eal d eal m eal r deal meal real teach team heat dream please lead peace peach leaf seat 乌鸦想喝到罐中的水 必须读对左上角的单词。 读一个单词老师点击该单词, 会有一个小球落入罐中。 集齐十个小球可以喝到水。 heal Let’s read Let’s read Please eat some meat ! Take a seat and have a cup of tea. _____ Make a sentence: … Let’s chant eat ead ean eal 全班分为四组,每组选一个组合,进行拼读竞赛。 Team work. -ead Word Family -ean Word Family -eat Word Family -eal Word Fami ... ...