阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 One Saturday, a thirteen-year-old boy named Tim was hanging out with his friends at a local cafe. Tim and his friends would usually spend the entire weekend together, before meeting again the following week while in school. That day, Tim’s mom Gloria wanted to change up his routine by inviting him to watch a new superhero movie with her. Gloria kept calling Tim on his cellphone, but he wouldn’t pick up. So, she decided to make her way to the cafe, knowing that this was where Tim and his friends usually had lunch on Saturdays. When she spotted Tim and his friends, she made her way to them, only to see Tim’s friends giggling. “Your grandmother’s come to pick you up, Tim!” they teased. Tim glared (怒视) at his mother and walked up to her to stop her from going any closer. “What are you doing here !” he scolded her. “You’re embarrassing me in front of my friends!” “I just wanted to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me,” she smiled, trying to hold his hand. Tim shrugged (耸肩) off her hands. “Leave me alone! I’m with my friends!” he told her. Gloria walked back home sadly. When Tim got home that night, it was already half past ten. He went straight to his room, not even acknowledging Gloria’s presence in the living room. “What’s the matter, Tim ” Gloria decided to ask him. “Why is it that you don’t like being with me anymore I’m worried about you, Tim. I barely know what’s going on in your life!” she said, trying to walk closer to him. “You’re such an old, boring woman! Why did you even give birth to me !” he yelled. Gloria felt a pain in her chest after hearing Tim yell at her that way. Before she could respond, Tim grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. “Tim!” Gloria called out. Tim rode on his bike and left the street. Gloria tried calling out and chasing after him, but he was too fast. Then, she fainted in front of one of her neighbor’s houses. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 When Tim got home late, he saw a neighbor standing in front of their front door. _____ _____ _____ After riding for half an hour, he arrived at the hospital. _____ _____ _____ _____ 一、文章大意 本文讲述了 13 岁男孩 Tim 周六与朋友在咖啡馆玩耍,妈妈 Gloria 想邀他看电影,前往咖啡馆寻他,却遭 Tim 嫌弃、怒怼,Tim 回家后还恶语相向,随后夺门而出。当晚,Tim 回家发现邻居站在门口,得知妈妈晕倒被送医,他懊悔万分奔赴医院,在病床前向妈妈道歉,妈妈醒来,Tim 发誓不再辜负妈妈的爱,展现了青春期孩子与母亲的冲突及和解,强调亲情珍贵与感恩的重要性。 二、伏笔及续写回应 伏笔:Gloria 多次联系 Tim 未果,只好前往咖啡馆。回应:暗示母子间沟通不畅,为后续激烈冲突埋下种子,也促使 Tim 在妈妈晕倒后反思自己平时对妈妈关心太少。 伏笔:朋友调侃 “Your grandmother’s come to pick you up”,Tim 怒视妈妈。回应:体现 Tim 的虚荣、在朋友面前的好面子,让他在冲动下对妈妈说出更伤人的话,事后他深感愧疚。 伏笔:Tim 回家不理睬 Gloria,还冲她大喊 “你是个又老又无聊的 ... ...
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