ID: 22121041


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:60次 大小:9820055B 来源:二一课件通
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While globes are works of art,Bellerby said,"Globemaking is a political minefield.If Bellerby makes a globe for a foreign buyer,a mistake about a sensitive name or border could cause customs officials to hold up a costly sale.Bellerby's artists mark disputed(有争议的) borders on the globe.He said,"We cannot change or rewrite history. 24.Why does Peter Bellerby engage in the business of making a globe A.To earn a living. B.To meet his interest. C.To please his father. D.To become a geography expert. 25.How does the author develop Paragraph 5 A.By listing numbers. B.By asking experts. C.By doing anexperiment. D.By giving an example. 26.What do we know about Bellerby's products A.They can be widely used in military. B.They're just single products and of low output. C.The designs are serious and thekdivision of labour is clear. D.Their production process is simple and easy to operate. 27.Which of the following may Bellerby agree with A.The correct markings on the globe should not be taken lightly. B.Individual eerorssin marking on the globe are allowed. C.The markings on the globe are fixed and unchanging. D.It is difficult to sell a globe worldwide. See if you know the answer to this riddle:I have been around for a very long time. Longer than toys,dogs,or anyone you know.My roots go back many centuries.Some of them even longer.I can connect you to the past,the present and the future.I make you human.Can you guess what I am The answer is language. Children's author Victor D.O.Santos asks readers that question in his book,What Makes Us Human.Each page on the book provides a clue to the riddle's final answer.Artist Anna Forlati illustrated(加插图于)the book, The book is about the value of language.It is also meant to bring more attention to the world's native languages.Native and indigenous()languages are disappearing quickly. The United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)stimates that 40 percent of the world's 7,000 languages may disappear by the year 2100. Santos,who is also an educator and linguist(语言学家),has studied indigenous languages in his native country,Brazil.Santos said UNESCO offered to partner with him and help expand the book's reach.The book has already been licensed into 22 different languages. Santos said the book might soon be published in native Hawaiian as well. One page has drawings of 12 indigenous groups around the world wearing their traditional clothing.The words to go along with the drawing note the fact that indigenous languages around the world are disappearing:"When one of me disappears,a culture may also disappear.A unique way to view and understand the world.Gone.Forever.Santos said his book "has an adult layer to it.It's not just for kids. One page has a drawing of a parent and child fleeing-a conflict or war.Another person is holding a sign that says,.“No War..”“I can show you love,.But also hurt you,.”the page reads.Santos said there are several ways to understand the page's messag ... ...

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