阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落的开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Three fish lived in the sea when they were young. Their parents died. They had to look after each other. Finally, they grew up and decided to swim deeper and further. One morning the three fish were taken to shallow water by a big wave. Never had the three fish been to such a place. Everything was so different. They had great fun swimming around. Then, with another big wave, a small boat was taken there too. Now it was hard for the fish to go back to the sea, because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were in danger and said, “We have to find a way to leave here as fast as possible, or it will be dangerous.” The second largest fish agreed with his elder brother and decided to go with him. However, the youngest one decided not to leave at all, saying “It’s not dangerous at all. Look! There is much water for our activities.” No matter how hard his brothers tried to persuade him to leave, the youngest fish wouldn’t listen. At last, the largest fish managed to find a way to return to the sea. He found the lowest part of the boat and jumped over it. Challenging as it was, he made it. The second largest fish also succeeded in joining his elder brother in the other side of the water, but the youngest one didn’t follow them, still swimming around joyfully. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 As the sun rose higher, the water in the small shallow corner continued to disappear. _____ _____ Upon their return, the two fish made a plan to rescue their younger brother. _____ _____ 一、文章大意 三只小鱼自幼父母双亡,长大后一同探索深海,却被海浪卷到浅水区域。这里的一切新奇有趣,让它们暂时忘却危险。但大船的出现挡住了归海之路,大鱼意识到危险,提议尽快离开,老二认同,老三却贪图玩乐不愿走。最终大鱼和老二找到方法成功回到大海,老三依旧留在原地,故事到此留下悬念,引发读者对老三命运的担忧以及后续发展的好奇。此故事围绕小鱼们面对危险的不同抉择展开,探讨成长、危险认知与亲情守护的主题。 二、伏笔及续写中的回应 伏笔:小鱼们从未到过浅水区域,对新环境充满好奇却缺乏危险认知,为后文老三忽视危险、陷入困境铺垫。 回应:随着太阳升高,水位下降,老三开始恐慌,意识到自己当初判断失误,后悔没听哥哥们的话。 伏笔:老三坚持认为此地不危险,还留恋有充足活动空间的浅水,暗示他的固执与短视。 回应:被困后老三拼命挣扎求生,此时才明白自己的愚蠢,凸显不听劝告的恶果。 伏笔:大鱼意识到危险后迅速寻找出路,展现其成熟与担当,为后续救老三情节做准备。 回应:大鱼和老二回来用海草救老三,凭借之前积累的逃生经验,成功实施救援计划。 伏笔:老二认同大鱼的判断并一起行动,体现兄弟间的信任与团结,侧面反映老三的孤立。 回应:救老三时两人默契配合,进一步强调亲情纽带的力量,与老三前期的疏离形成对比。 伏笔:老三不听劝阻,哥哥们无奈离去,看似兄弟关系破裂,实则为后文情感升华埋伏笔。 回应:哥哥们不计前嫌回来相救,老三感恩,此后它们更加亲密,深化亲情无价的主题。 三、续写要点 (一)第一段续写 情感线:从老三起初的惬意、自信,到发现危险后的惊恐、懊悔,情绪急转直下。 故事线: ... ...
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