ID: 22138035


日期:2025-01-10 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:31次 大小:26995B 来源:二一课件通
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2025八省联考英语C篇生词及词汇练习 序号 单词/短语 释义 音标 1 advancing v. 推进;促进 / d v ns / 2 distinct vision phr. 独特的愿景 /d st kt v n/ 3 dense adj. 稠密的 /d ns/ 4 urban environments phr. 城市环境 / rb n n va r nm nts/ 5 disorder n. 混乱 /d s rd r/ 6 diversity n. 多样性 /da v rs ti/ 7 organic beings phr. 有机体 / r ɡ n k bi z/ 8 grand plans phr. 宏伟计划 /ɡr nd pl nz/ 9 sustain v. 维持 /s ste n/ 10 built form phr. 建筑形式 /b lt f rm/ 11 mixed-use adj. 混合用途的 /m kst-ju s/ 12 critical mass phr. 临界质量 / kr t kl m s/ 13 engines of creativity phr. 创造力的引擎 / end nz v kri e t v ti/ 14 vitality n. 活力 /va t l ti/ 15 "eyes on the street" phr. 街上的眼睛 /a z ɑn stri t/ 16 maintaining v. 维护 /me n te n / 17 interaction n. 互动 / nt r k n/ 18 integration n. 融合 / nt ɡre n/ 19 enriching adj. 丰富的 / n r t / 20 comparatively adv. 相对地 /k m p r t vli/ 21 prefer disorder to order phr. 偏好混乱而非秩序 /pr f r d s rd r tu rd r/ 22 walking to driving phr. 步行胜于驾车 / w k tu dra v / 23 left to grow and change phr. 自然生长和变化 /l ft tu ɡro nd t e nd / 24 subject to grand plans phr. 受制于宏伟计划 / s bd kt tu ɡr nd pl nz/ 25 best placed to understand phr. 最了解的 /b st ple st tu nd r st nd/ 26 tight pattern phr. 紧密的模式 /ta t p t rn/ 27 get to know one another phr. 互相了解 /ɡ t tu no w n n r/ 28 greater integration phr. 更大的融合 / ɡre t r nt ɡre n/ 29 side by side phr. 并肩 /sa d ba sa d/ 30 high-density spaces phr. 高密度空间 /ha d ns ti spe s z/ 31 engines of creativity phr. 创造力引擎 / end nz v kri e t v ti/ 32 maintain a close watch phr. 密切关注 /me n te n klo s wɑ t / 完形填空练习 1 In high-density _____, the presence of "eyes on the street" plays a crucial role in maintaining a sense of order and safety. These environments, often characterized by a _____ pattern of development, are best placed to foster _____ and sustain a vibrant community life. a) mixed-use b) urban environments c) rural areas d) grand plans a) tight b) disorder c) organic d) dense a) disorder b) vitality c) driving d) interaction 完形填空练习 2 Many urban planners now advocate for cities that are _____ rather than subject to grand plans. They argue that _____ spaces, where people live and work _____, are engines of creativity and _____. a) advancing b) left to grow and change c) maintaining d) sustaining a) high-density b) organic beings c) tight patterns d) mixed-use a) side by side b) subject to disorder c) comparatively stable d) eyes on the street a) integration b) critical mass c) vitality d) walking to driving 词汇配对 将左列的词汇与右列的释义配对: advancing distinct vision dense urban environments disorder diversity organic beings grand plans sustain built form a) 混乱 b) 维持 c) 稠密的 d) 城市环境 e) 有机体 f) 推进;促进 g) 多样性 h) 宏伟计划 i) 建筑形式 j) 独特的愿景 翻译练习 翻译以下句子为中文: The urban environments are engines of creativity and are vital for maintaining a lively and interactive community. High-density space ... ...

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