ID: 22141347


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:57次 大小:23763B 来源:二一课件通
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高考英语写作高分课标词汇 (一) 【知词义】 release v. allow (a person or animal) to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc.or to set (someone or something) free 释放;放出;解放 free (someone) from a duty, responsibility, etc.免除,解除(责任等) cause (an emotion, a feeling, etc.) to go away by expressing it or dealing with it in some way发泄;宣泄 make (something) available to the public 发布;公布;公开 stop holding (someone or something) 松开;放开 allow (a substance) to enter the air, water, soil, etc.排出;放出;释出 【晓变化】 releaser n.释放者,发布人 released adj.已发布的 【记搭配】 release sb from ...从……释放某人 release sb from responsibility/duty 免除某人的责任或义务 release stress/emotions 释放压力或情绪 【仿佳句】 He was released from custody the next day. 第二天他被从拘留所里放了出来。 He is expected to be released from hospital today. 他有望今天出院。 Fifty-five foxes were released from a fur farm by animal rights activists. 动物权利保护主义者把55只狐狸从毛皮动物饲养场放了出来。 I released my son’s hand, and he ran out onto the playground. 我松开了儿子的手,他便跑进了游乐场。 Heat is released into the atmosphere by cars. 汽车产生的热量被释放到了大气中。 During exercise, the body releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel better. 运动过程中,身体在大脑中释放出令人感觉良好的化学物质。 The band hopes to release their new album by next summer. 这个乐队希望在明年夏天到来之前发行新专辑。 They released a statement this afternoon. 今天下午他们发布了一份声明。 I released him from his promise. 我同意他不用履行承诺了。 This releases the teacher to work with individuals who are having extreme difficulty. 这使得教师可以专门辅导学习特别吃力的学生。 Becoming your own person releases your creativity. 保持自己的本色才有助于发挥自身创造力。 I personally don’t want to release my anger on anyone else. 我个人并不想把自己的愤怒发泄在别人身上。 Humor is wonderful for releasing tension. 幽默是舒缓紧张情绪的良方。 【巧应用】 1.教育 数字化课件的普及,能够将老师们从繁琐的手工备课中解放出来;老师们从而能够花更多时间关心学生的个人需求。 The popularity of digital courseware _____ cumbersome manual work, so that they can spend more time caring focusing on students’ individual needs. 2.科技 信息技术已经释放出许多行业的全部潜力。 Information technology _____ of many industries. 3.环境 温室效应主要是由于温室气体被释放到大气中而引起的,这些气体会阻隔热量使其无法扩散到外太空中。 The greenhouse effect is essentially caused by _____ into the atmosphere, which keeps heat from spreading into outer space. 要保持身心健康,释放诸如焦躁、怒火或悲伤等负面情绪是非常重要的。 To maintain physical and mental health, it is of great importance _____, such as anxiety, anger or sadness. 5.传统文化 近年来,越来越多关于我们自己文化的书籍、电影和纪录片问世,这有助于提高人们对传统文化的理解。 A growing number of books, movies and documentaries about our own culture _____, which can help people improve their understanding of it. 6.青少年犯罪 一 ... ...

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