ID: 22148692

河南省顶级名校联盟2025届高三上学期1月调研考试试题:读后续写--地下室的秘密,一份温暖的礼物 讲义素材

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:39次 大小:23984B 来源:二一课件通
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阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 When my husband passed away last year,my world turned upside down.Richard and I had been together for over forty years,and suddenly,there was an unbearable blank where he used to be.So,when my son,James,and his wife,Natalie,invited me to live with them for a while,I wasn’t about to refuse.I think being with the grandkids will be healing. They welcomed me with open arms,making me feel like part of their daily life.They insisted that they wanted to help me through this difficult time and when I moved in,I only took the essentials.The rest of my things were locked 30 minutes away at my home,locking away the memories of a life shared with Richard. From the beginning,there was simply one rule for the kids and myself:“Please,all three of you,stay out of the basement(地下室),” James had said when we were sitting for dinner,his tone was gentle but firm.“There are some repairs being done,and it’s really dusty and messy down there.We don’t want any of you to get sick or hurt.Understood ” The boys,John,6,and Eric,4,nodded.I understood James’ concern,too.I agreed without giving it much thought.It wasn’t like I had any reason to go down there anyway. Living with them was an adjustment.John and Eric were everything I needed to keep me distracted while my heart healed and grew with love for my grandchildren.We had also gotten into a new routine,where every evening,we’d gather in the living room for story time.Nothing delighted me more than watching their eyes light up as I read to them. We’d been reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for a few days now,and it had quickly become a favorite for them.One evening,I turned to the next chapter,and as I read about Harry discovering the hidden entrance to the chamber,Eric suddenly piped up,“Grandma! We have a Chamber of Secrets too! In the basement!” 注意: 1.续写词数应150左右: 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 I paused,glancing down at him unbelievably._____ _____ The room was a perfect copy of my own bedroom back home._____ _____ 文章大意: 去年丈夫离世后,“我” 陷入悲痛,儿子詹姆斯和儿媳娜塔莉邀 “我” 同住,“我” 欣然答应,希望借此疗愈伤痛。入住时,他们提出唯一规则:所有人不许进地下室,理由是在修缮,脏乱且有安全隐患,“我” 和孙子们都答应了。同住期间,每晚给孙子们读《哈利 波特》成了温馨日常,一天读到书中密室情节时,小孙子埃里克突然提及自家地下室也有个 “密室”。 故事山分析: 开端:丈夫去世,“我” 接受儿子儿媳邀请同住,被告知不许进地下室。 发展:日常与孙子相处温馨,读《哈利 波特》时引出地下室秘密。 高潮:需续写发现地下室秘密的过程及后续反应。 结局:未明确,待续写构建。 伏笔以及在续写中的回应: 伏笔:丈夫去世,“我” 沉浸悲痛,续写回应:地下室的秘密空间成为慰藉心灵的特殊存在,让 “我” 重新感受到温暖与关怀,走出悲伤。 伏笔:儿子儿媳热情邀 “我” 同住,续写回应:精心准备地下室的布置,体现他们的用心,想帮 “我” 更好地适应新生活。 伏笔:强调不许进地下室,续 ... ...

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