ID: 22167567

外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse Using language?课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2025-03-03 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:1259692B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Section III Using language 《戴珍珠耳环的少女》是17世纪荷兰画家约翰内斯·维米尔于1665年创作完成的一幅油画。是约翰内斯·维米尔的代表作之一。现收藏于荷兰海牙莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆。 该画描绘了一名身穿棕色衣服,佩戴黄、蓝色头巾的少女,气质超凡出众,宁静中淡恬从容、欲言又止的神态栩栩如生,看似带有一种既含蓄又惆怅的、似有似无的伤感表情,惊鸿一瞥的回眸使她犹如黑暗中的一盏明灯,光彩夺目,平实的情感也由此具有了净化人类心灵的魅力。 该画采用了全黑的背景,十分烘托少女外形轮廓,似乎她是黑夜里的明灯,微微的光彩,不夺目不耀眼,十分温和。画面之中构成强烈视觉效果。 One of my biggest dreams had always been to see the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring, by the Dutch artist, Vermeer. It wasn't until we went on a trip to The Hague last year that this dream came true! There were lots of people waiting to enter the Mauritshuis. 莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆 Although my legs were tired from walking around the city, I was determined to see the painting, which is often called the "Mona Lisa of the North". Nobody is sure of the identity of the girl in it. And there she was. It was amazing to be standing in front of her at last! The girl is looking over her shoulder. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is parted, just as if she were about to speak. I would love to know what she was going to say! 吴冠中(1919年—2010年),江苏宜兴人,当代著名画家、油画家、美术教育家。油画代表作有《长江三峡》《北国风光》《小鸟天堂》《黄山松》《鲁迅的故乡》等。个人文集有《吴冠中谈艺集》《吴冠中散文选》《美丑缘》等十余种 《长江三峡》 《北国风光》 《小鸟天堂》 《江南》 《江南水乡》 《烟雨江南》 Wu Guanzhong Chinese artist Wu Guanzhong is known (know) for his paintings using oils and also for those using the more traditional Chinese method of ink. According to Wu Guanzhogn, his goal as an artist was to combine (combine) Western principles of art with Chinese spirit, and his passion is to seek (seek) a point at which the two could meet. To him, the important value of an artwork was to reflect (reflect) the art within the life of Chinese people, and to express (express) love of and responsibility to his mothersland. Wu Guanzhong remained interested (interest) in exploring ways of expression, with his style changing and developing throughout his career. His life's work is now inspiring (inspire) artists not only in China but across the world. = known by many people 1. = making you feel great respect and admiration, and sometimes fear 2. 同义词:breathtaking, astonishing, amazing = very expensive 3. =very good at doing something 4. overanxious overconfident = innovative, using new methods or achieving new results 5. =extremely impressive so as to take one's breath away 6. 请说出一下合成词含义: 1. good-natured 本性善良的 2. cold-blooded 无情的 3. heartbroken 极度伤心的 4. handmade 手工制作的 5. low-paid 报酬低的 6. well-known 众所周知的 请说出一下合成词含义: 7. easy-going 随和的 8. good-looking 漂亮的 9. low-lying 低洼的 10. hard-working 辛勤的 1 ... ...

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