ID: 22449017

Unit 4Space Exploration Listening and Talking 课件(共20张PPT,内镶嵌音频) 高中英语新人教版必修第三册(2022学年)

日期:2025-03-03 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:98次 大小:4903686B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Talking To listen to an interview, get general information and details. To discuss life in space. To learn how to express curiosity. 1. 人们总是想要更多了解太空。 2. 成为一名宇航员是我的梦想。 3. 一些科学家的梦想就是去探索太空。 4. 科学家们努力工作来找寻答案。 People have always wanted _____. _____ is my dream. Some scientists' dream is _____. Scientists work hard _____. to learn more about space. To be an astronaut to explore space. to find answers. Can you imagine what astronauts' life in space is like Share ideas: What's the routine of your daily life Watch a video and talk about life in space. Before you listen, look at the pictures below and guess whether they would be useful for astronauts in space. Can it be easily carried to space Can it be easily used in space Are they useful for astronauts in space Are they useful for astronauts in space Astronauts need soaps and towels to keep themselves clean. It is useful for the astronaut who likes playing the guitar. It is not useful because water cannot be used in the weightless environment of space. Are they useful for astronauts in space A microwave oven is useful but heavy. It cannot be easily carried to space. However, the microwave oven has been installedd in Shenzhou 9. Pens are useful but the pens astronauts use in space are specially-made. Are they useful for astronauts in space Are they useful for astronauts in space Tapes and tissue are light and do not take up much space. Neither of them can cause a mess which is difficult to clean up. Max is interviewing Captain Brown about his life in space. Listen to the interview and answer the questions. 1. What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station 2. How did he prepare his food in space 3. How did he keep himself clean in space 4. How did he spend most of his time in space 5. What did he do during his free time 6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space First listening 探究1 1. What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station He wore shorts and T-shirts. 2. How did he prepare his food in space The food was prepared and stored for him. He just had to heat the food and enjoy it. 3. How did he keep himself clean in space They use a soapy towel to wash. 4. How did he spend most of his time in space He was often busy doing different experiments. 5. What did he do during his free time He played the guitar and chess. 6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space His favourite thing to do was to have a weekly video call with his family. Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1. Are you_____ to be back? Well, yes and no. 2. Was _____ in space difficult Not really. 3. So how long did you stay in space during your last _____ 4.What kind of_____ did you do up there 5.And we brush our teeth _____ we do on Earth. 6. I know astronauts cannot shower in space since the water would _____. happy eating work missio ... ...

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