课件网) Unit 4 Meeting the muse Listening and speaking I am chasing your eyes, always looking at the lonely night sky. I can follow you like a shadow, sleepwalking. The season of light and shade Read and talk Since the earliest cave paintings, humans have been exhibiting art on walls. There has always been a connection between artists and their works, their points of view, and the viewers. Bringing artworks together into an exhibition enables all of us to experience the works, to respond to, to enjoy and to connect with them. Art exhibitions can have many themes, such as a historical period, a location or a trend. Of them all, one everlasting source of inspiration is war and peace. Countless artists have been protesting wars and promoting peace via their works, including Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and Chinese artist Feng Zikai, to name just a couple. Essayist, painter, writer, art and music educator is widely recognized as the "father" of Chinese comics his essay also has a great influence on the new history of Chinese literature Feng Zikai (1898—1975) 丰子恺(1898年11月9日-1975年9月15日),原名丰润,又名仁、仍,号子觊,后改为丰子恺,堂号缘缘堂,笔名“TK”(FONG TSE KA),法号婴行,生于浙江省崇德县石门湾(今浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市石门镇石门湾),中国现代书画家、文学家、散文家、翻译家、漫画家,被誉为“现代中国最艺术的艺术家”、“中国现代漫画的鼻祖”。 丰子恺在漫画、书法、翻译等各方面均有突出成就,先后出版的书法和画集、散文著作、美术理论和音乐理论著作等共达160部以上。 旧时王谢堂前燕, 飞入寻常百姓家 青山个个伸头看,看我庵中吃苦茶 小桌呼朋三面坐,留将一面与桃花 不宠无惊过一生 Artist Chen Jian(陈坚) worked on for 10 years, depicts the solemn scene of Japan's surrender after the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. 《公元一千九百四十五年九月九日九时·南京》 one of the most important Russian socialist realist painters. 阿·普拉斯托夫的《德寇飞机刚刚过去!》 Pre-listening Look at the two pictures and describe what you can see in the pictures and guess the themes of the two artworks. Guernica —Picasso tragedy of war the people’s fear Picasso’s anger towars the fighting 毕加索(Pablo Picasso)是20世纪最伟大的艺术家之一,他是西班牙画家、雕塑家,同时也是现代艺术的创始人之一,西方现代派绘画的主要代表。他出生于1881年,逝世于1973年,艺术生涯几乎贯穿其一生。 毕加索的艺术风格独具匠心,作品多姿多彩。他在绘画上有很高的造诣,尤其是在立体主义方面有着突出的贡献。他的代表作品包括《格尔尼卡》、《和平鸽》、《亚维农的少女》和《生命》等。 毕加索的艺术成就不仅令人瞩目,而且他的作品也具有深刻的思想内涵和强烈的社会责任感。他的作品常常探讨战争、贫困和社会不公等主题,表达了他对人类苦难的深切同情和对和平的渴望。 毕加索的艺术风格和思想深刻地影响了20世纪的艺术发展,他被誉为现代艺术的奠基人之一。他的作品不仅令人叹为观止,而且也在艺术史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。 赤脚的少女 第一次圣餐 科学与慈善 自画像 The Battlefield in Spring—Feng Zikai optimistic message feel the strong spirit and hope 1. the attack on the town ... ...