ID: 22167582

外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse Developing ideas 课件 (共34张PPT)

日期:2025-03-03 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:10次 大小:42656739B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Developing ideas — Art & Technology Unit 4 Meeting the muse Contents 通过图表组织文本结构和意义,梳理艺术与科技辩证关系的语篇关键信息及语言; 理解并获取关于艺术表现形式发展历程的基本信息,为阅读做铺垫; 01 02 结合语篇,联系自身实际,进一步思考、探究科技对艺术的影响,并以小组形式进行辩论和评价。 03 I Pre-reading 01 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. How many artworks did you see 2. What methods did they use to create the artworks 3. Do you think technology can be considered as a form of art From paintbrush to lens People create paintings with pencils, paper and paint, and create photographic artworks with cameras. 1. How many artworks did you see 2. What methods did they use to create the artworks Check the answers 3. Do you think technology can be considered a form of art I think technology can be considered as a form of art. For example, cameras are more accurate and faster, they are the invention of human beings as well as the fruit of our inspiration. However, when people paint with their hands, they are perhaps getting more satisfaction from their hard work. Therefore, when traditional ways of painting or modern photography co-exist with technology, the combination is one that promises great possibilities, as well as surprises. Various answers are welcome as long as you provide reasons! One possible answer for your inspiration! P58 Let’s read the passage and compare your ideas with those of the author. II Read and think 02 Part 1: Para.___ 1-3 Organise the passage into three parts and tell what each part mainly says. Art and technology have always been seen as two separate things for long. Part 2: Para.___ Technological advances have brought about positive effects on art. 4-5 Part 3: Para.___ 6-8 Using technology in art creation brings about problems and controversies. 03 Read and answer III Para. 1 Think “art”. What comes to your mind Is it Greek or Roman sculptures in the Louvre, or Chinese paintings in the Palace Museum Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a dancing pattern of lights The author opens the passage with three questions, what functions do they have The three questions get the readers engaged so they are curious to read. Several typical artworks are mentioned while asking questions, stimulating readers’ previous knowledge about the topic of art. The third question naturally serves as a transition, leading to Para 2. Read to answer the question: Para. 2 The artworks by American artist Janet Echelman look like colourful floating clouds when they are lit up at night. Visitors to one of her artworks in Vancouver could not only enjoy looking at it, they could also interact with it—literally. They did this by using their phones to change its colours and patterns. Exhibits such as these are certainly new and exciting, but are they really art 1. What figure of speech is used in the underlined sentence What’s the function Simile (明喻): 2. What does “literally” ... ...

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