ID: 22171170


日期:2025-01-17 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:62次 大小:22251B 来源:二一课件通
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应用文写作 学校英文社将组织以“Technology makes people closer or more distant”为话题的辩论赛,请你就此写一篇短文参加比赛,内容包括: 1. 表达观点: 2. 陈述原因; 3. 得出结论。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Technology makes people closer or more distant _____ 写作提纲 一、开头 简要介绍科技在当今社会的普及性,引出辩题“Technology makes people closer or more distant”,明确表明自己的观点,如“Technology, in my opinion, makes people closer.” 二、主体段落 (一)论点一:即时通讯工具拉近人与人距离 阐述像微信、WhatsApp等即时通讯软件让人们能随时随地与亲朋好友交流,分享生活点滴,不管相隔多远都能快速知晓彼此近况,举例说明异国他乡的游子如何通过这类工具与家人维系紧密情感。 语言积累:“Instant messaging apps like WeChat and WhatsApp have revolutionized communication, enabling people to stay connected with their loved ones regardless of distance.” (二)论点二:社交媒体促进社交圈拓展 解释社交媒体平台如 Facebook、微博如何帮助人们结识志同道合的新朋友,加入兴趣小组,共同探讨爱好,参与线上线下活动,使社交不再受地域、职业限制,扩大人脉。 语言积累:“Social media platforms such as Facebook and Weibo have provided a virtual stage where individuals can meet like-minded people, expand their social circles and engage in various activities.” (三)论点三:线上协作办公工具提升团队凝聚力 描述在疫情期间,钉钉、腾讯会议等线上协作工具让企业员工居家也能协同工作,实时沟通项目进展,解决问题,保障工作顺利进行,员工间配合更默契,关系更紧密。 语言积累:“During the pandemic, online collaboration tools like DingTalk and Tencent Meeting empowered employees to work together from home, facilitating real-time communication on project progress and strengthening team cohesion.” 三、结尾 总结前文提到的科技在不同方面拉近人们距离的论据,再次强调观点,得出科技让人们关系更亲近的结论,如“To sum up, technology has undeniably bridged the gap between people and made our connections deeper and more meaningful.” 语言积累 Technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, reshaping the way we interact with one another. (科技已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面,重塑了我们彼此互动的方式。) The advent of video calls has made it possible for people to have face-to-face conversations across continents. (视频通话的出现让人们能够跨大洲进行面对面交流。) With the help of online learning platforms, students can now communicate with renowned professors from all over the world. (借助在线学习平台,学生现在可以与来自世界各地的知名教授交流。) Mobile apps have become a convenient bridge that links people together in an instant. (手机应用程序已成为一座便捷的桥梁,瞬间将人们连接在一起。) Social media has eradicated the boundaries of physical locations in social networking. (社交媒体消除了社交网络中地理位置的界限。) Online multiplayer games allow gamers to team up with friends or strangers and build camaraderie. (在线多人游戏让玩家能够与朋友或陌生人组队,建立情谊。) Thanks to technology, we can now participate in virtual conferences and workshops, expanding our knowle ... ...

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