课件网) Unit2 Travelling Around Which country is it Peru(秘鲁) Leading-in What types of text are they: encyclopedia(百科全书) or brochure(手册) Read for the text type Text 1 Text 2 Before you read, look through the text quickly for titles, headers, pictures, charts, and any other information that might tell you what type of text it is. Language focus Text 1 The language of text 1, an encyclopedia, is brief and plain with statistics. objective informative factual Welcome toPeru Lake Titicaca Cusco What can you see in the video Machu Picchu 26Rallore A travel brochure: 旅行手册, Eye-catching pictures ro ' r] Necessary information Beautiful design >Powerful language Tip1:Before you read,look through the text quickly for titles, headers,pictures,charts(插图),and any other information that might tell you what type of text it is. An encyclopedia:百科全书, Simple picture [I sar Brief content Simple language Only facts Pre-reading: 窗m 百科全书 百科 全 书 kl 'pi:di ] Read for the text type文本类型 What text types are they:encyclopedia or brochure Basic information/ facts tIIIS ieasuII tiial opallISII IS ie iiailI official language of Peru. PERU is a country on the Pacific coast Af C uith A morin ai4h +hraA moin An encyclopedia and the Amazon raintorest. Subtitles Amazo Rain vivid pictures speiulour daysenoymg hre mque pm andlocalndan culturehighin he Ands a Cusco,the capitalof helnca Emprefom the I3th until the l6th century.Stay in a local hotel,visit the museums admire the architecture,enjoy the excelent local food, and gosopinga thelocal narkes. Enjoy the beatiful countryside as you spend a day dring alongthe newhighway conecting Cusco toLake Titiaca.There,a boat willtake you to stay with albocal Uros family on an isandfor thre days.Both the island and theUros homes are made of water plantsfromthelake. Rn brief introductions SocomeandepeiencewhatPeruhastofererythngfomtheancientlnacitureandecturtesd Spanish vlgstodeprinfors high mountans, and abeatfulcoastie Formoe brochuresaboutote packagetousaroundPeru,cotat usttouifoetaveperuorg Amazon Rainforest Tour Machu Pichu Tour A travel Thisfour-day wakingtour wiltake on amazing paths through the An Mountanson the wayto thedityot Ma Pichu Afereaching your destiatin wilhavea day to explore and be ama by this ncient ity.Especall amazim thelncas dystone method ofbuld Ihca bulders cut stones to exat sizess0 noting was neded to hod wal toge otberthanthepefetftofthestones Cusco Tour Lake Titicaca Tour brochure A shot fiht fom Cuso takes you from the Andes into the Amaz 1 rainforest From there youl spend oneday taveling by boat t your Acommodationin he middeofthe forest You can then pendhredays eploring the rainforest witha local guide and enjoying the plant and animasunigueoteranorst Text 1 Text2 a conclusion Title TRAVEL PERU PACIFIC 0CEAN achu Picchu Cusco Lake Lima While-reading PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main are ... ...