Unit 4Friends forever Period 3Using language 教学分析 教学和评价目标 教学目标 1. Lead the students to understand the structure and function of the restrictive attributive clauses. 2.Lead the students to understand and use the relative pronouns that,which,who,whom and tohose in the context. 3.Lead the students to understand the content of general topics related to friendship and be able to use the attributive clauses appropriately. 4.Lead the students to initially recognise the importance of friendship and the way to get along with friends,and form a healtby interpersonal relationship. 评价目标 1.Ask the students to summarise the basic knowledge of the attributive clauses to find out if they understand the basic structure of the attributive clauses and the correct use of relative pronouns. 2. Ask the students to talk about friendship by using the attributive clauses to find out if they can correctly use the attributive clauses in actual contexts. 3.Ask the students to write a passage about friendship and find out if they can appreciate and understand the values of friendship. 教学重难点 教学重点 1.Lead the students to understand the basic structure of the attributive clauses. 2. Lead the students to appropriately express ideas, and describe people and things by using the attributive clauses. 教学难点 1. Lead the students to use correct relative pronouns to introduce the restrictive attributive clauses. 2. Lcad the students to use the attributive clauses in the real context. 3. Lead the students to recognise the importance of friendship,think about ways to get along with friends,and form a healthy interpersonaI rclationship. 教法学法 Cooperative Teaching Method;Task-based Approach;Communicative Approach.课时安排 Onc period. 教学准备 Textbook;notebook;learning materials;multimedia. 教学设计 Teaching procedures Leading questions and tasks Teacher's activity Students' activity Purposes Lead-in 1. Do you like the English song whose name is "That's why you go away " 2. Fill in the blanks with the lyrics. 3. What type of clauses arethe underlined parts in the sentences 1. Ask the students to enjoy an English song That's why you go away with the attributive clauses. 2.Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the lyrics. 3. Ask the students to observe the underlined parts and answer the type of clauses. Summary Now let's look at the textbook and analyse the sentences in the passage. 1. Students enjoy the song That's why you go away. 2.Students work in pairs and fill in the blanks. Suggested answers (1)Love is one big illusion that I should try to forget. (2)You're the one who set it up now. (3)I'm the one who is feeling lost right now. (4)Now you want me to forget every little thing that you said. 3. Students observe the underlined parts and identify the type of clauses. Suggested answer They are the attributive clauses. 1.To arouse students'interestin the attributive clauses,and to introduce the topic of this lesson. 2. To get familiar with the attribu ... ...
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