ID: 22222155

外刊时文 阅读B&C篇1 专练(3篇,含解析)-2025届高三英语复习专项

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:65次 大小:44084B 来源:二一课件通
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    Passage 1 Whether it's a seemingly funny anecdote or a more malicious story, gossip is something we all can be privy to. Yet, it has become associated particularly with women. Why is it that women get this reputation while men don't Society has trained women to be indirect communicators because when they are direct, they are labeled 'harsh','mean', 'aggressive', 'bossy', or 'difficult'. They are seen as hard to have a relationship with, difficult to work with, and difficult to be friends with. Men, however, don't seem to face the same stigma. When men are direct, they are often viewed as good leaders, competent, articulate, and determined. So, when we punish women for being direct, we teach them to communicate indirectly. This includes gossiping and talking behind someone's back, but also includes sarcasm, passive aggression, and jabs disguised as jokes. It's important to recognize these communication tactics. What we have to understand about gossip is that regardless of why it's used, it deteriorates a relationship because you are sharing information that is not yours to a third party. If someone has chosen to confide in you, it is not your right to pass that information on to someone else without their consent. For example, if your best friend tells you private information, that is not a free pass to tell your partner. Having bad boundaries is unfortunately the norm, and therefore, if you are on the receiving end of gossip, it's important to let the person know that this is a behavior that bothers you. People often share things unconsciously without thinking about what information belongs to them and what doesn't, so even if it wasn't malicious, it's important to highlight this to make sure your boundaries aren't crossed again. If gossip includes someone talking about you behind your back, it can be really hurtful, and this also will affect your trust because you will be unable to know whether the person is just saying what you want to hear and saying something different in front of different audiences, or telling you the truth. Falling into a habit of gossiping can occur for a few reasons, including when feelings are hurt, rather than confronting the offender, a person turns to a mutual friend to vent or for support. The problem with this is it creates triangulation, drawing in people who were not originally involved with the issue. This can lead to people taking sides, often making the problem worse. We may do this to seek validation, because we worry we have overreacted, or want others to confirm our feelings. According to the passage, why do women tend to be associated with gossip A. Because women like to talk more than men. B. Because society has trained women to be indirect communicators and direct women are labeled negatively. C. Because women have more free time to gossip. D. Because men don't like to gossip. What is the main idea of the passage A. To explain why men are better leaders than women. B. To discuss the reasons and effects o ... ...

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