剧情梗概 Matthew和Marilla是一对十分友爱的兄妹,两人在绿山墙过着平淡从容的生活。为了给患 有心脏病的Matthew找个劳作的帮手,兄妹俩打算领养一个男孩,以便将来帮助年老的他们 打理农舍。不想阴差阳错,孤儿院送来的竟是满头红发、喋喋不休的Anne。正想着如何退回 去时,活泼嘴巧的Anne打动了沉默寡言的Matthew的心,顺利地留在了这个并不很富裕的家 庭。自此,Anne在绿山墙开始了新的生活…… 外貌描写 The girl was about eleven with a small freckled face. Her hair was red in long plaits. 女孩大约11岁,小小的脸上长着雀斑。她的头发是红色的,扎成了一个长长的辫子。 Her freckles were more numerous and obtrusive than ever;the wind had ruffled her hatless hair into over-brilliant disorder; it had never looked redder than at that moment. 雀斑比以前更多也更明显了,因为没戴帽子,头发被风吹得乱七八糟,此刻看上去比任何时候都红。 环境描写 A flood of sunshine poured into the room. 大片的阳光泻入房间。 动作描写 Anne looked at Marilla, her eyes aglow with interest. 安妮眨着大眼睛望着玛丽拉,目光里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。 Anne blew a couple of airy kisses from her fingertips past the cherry blossoms and then, with her chin in her hands, drifted luxuriously out on a sea of daydreams. 安妮挥起指尖把几个飞吻越过樱花送了出去,然后, 她双手托腮,在白日梦的海洋里自在地遨游。 Anne came running in presently, her face sparkling with the delight of her orchard rovings; but abashed at finding the delight herself in the unexpected presence of a stranger, she halted confusedly inside the door. 安妮跑了回来,漫游苹果园的愉悦让她容光焕发。然而,突然看到一位不速之客,她红了脸,不知所 措地站在屋门口,踌躇不前。 But Anne continued to face Mrs. Rachel undauntedly, head up, eyes blazing, hands clenched, passionate indignation exhaling from her like an atmosphere. 但安妮仍然无畏地面对雷切尔太太,头高高扬起,两眼冒着怒火,双拳紧握,身上喷射出一股冲天的 怒气。 Anne, bursting into tears, rushed to the hall door, slammed it until the tins on the porch wall outside rattled in symphony, and fled through the hall and up the stairs like a whirlwind. A subdued slam above told that the door of the east gable had been shut with equal vehemence. 安妮泪流满面地冲向门厅,砰的一声摔上门,震得外面门廊墙上的罐头同情地叮当作响,然后一阵风 似的穿过门厅跑上了楼。随后楼上传来稍弱的一声闷响,表明东厢房的门已经同样被狠狠地摔上了。 Ann squirmed off the bed and sat rigidly on a chair beside it, her face swollen and tear-stained and her eyes fix stubbornly on the floor. 安妮扭动身子从床上爬起来,直挺挺地坐在床边的椅子上。她脸庞浮肿,脸上泪痕斑斑,眼睛固执地 盯着地板。 When Marilla went out that evening to bring the cows from the back pasture, Matthew, who had been hanging about the barns and watching, slipped into the house with the air of a burglar and crept upstairs. 晚上,玛丽拉去到后面牧场赶牛,一直在马厩附近徘徊瞭望的马修像小偷一样溜进房子,蹑手蹑脚上 了楼。 He tiptoed along the hall and stood for several minutes outside the door of the east gable before he summoned courage to tap on it with his fingers and then open the door to peep in ... ...
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