阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 On a summer morning, Kate found herself hurrying to catch a flight from London to Paris for an important business meeting. However, unexpected traffic delayed her arrival at the airport, leaving her with only minutes to spare before boarding. Anxious to catch her flight, Kate approached the first taxi in line. “Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5, please,” she claimed as she jumped into the back seat. The driver, a middle-aged man named Tom, nodded and pulled away. As they sped through the streets, Kate couldn’t shake off her nerves. “Are we going to make it in time ” she asked anxiously. Tom took a quick look at her through the rearview mirror (后视镜) with a smile. “Don’t worry, Ma’am. I know a shortcut that should get us there just in time,” he replied calmly. However, Kate couldn’t help but feel a knot of worry tighten in her stomach. She had to catch this flight. The success of the entire project depended on her presence at the meeting. Arriving at the airport, Tom drove skillfully and stopped right in front of the departure gate for Terminal 5. “Here we are,” he announced with pride. In relief but in a rush, Kate took out her wallet and paid the fare. But then she had some difficulty unfastening the seat-belt. It was stuck. Panic began to rise within Kate. She couldn’t afford to waste an extra minute. She pressed the button and dragged the belt again and again, but it didn’t work. Just as Kate was about to lose her temper, the taxi driver Tom realized what was happening. He quickly got off the car and helped Kate unfasten the belt. “I’m so sorry,” Tom apologized. Kate got off the taxi and hurriedly ran towards the terminal. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。 “Ma’am, your wallet!” Tom was shouting loudly. _____ When returning to London, Kate went to Tom’s taxi company. _____ 文章大意 夏日清晨,凯特因重要商务会议从伦敦赶往巴黎搭乘航班,却遭遇交通拥堵。她乘坐汤姆驾驶的出租车,在汤姆抄近路的努力下及时抵达机场。然而,下车时凯特的安全带卡住,汤姆帮忙解开。匆忙间,凯特遗忘了钱包。 故事山分析 开端:凯特因交通延误,着急赶飞机而乘坐汤姆的出租车。 发展:汤姆抄近路及时将凯特送到机场,但凯特下车时被卡住的安全带耽误时间。 高潮:汤姆呼喊凯特遗忘钱包,以及凯特回到伦敦后去出租车公司的情节,将是故事冲突和情感升华的关键。 结局:展现凯特与汤姆之间的互动结果,传递积极的情感和价值观。 伏笔以及在续写中的回应 伏笔:“The success of the entire project depended on her presence at the meeting.” 强调会议对凯特的重要性。 回应:在续写中可体现凯特因及时赶上会议,项目取得成功,她更加感激汤姆的帮助,从而促使她回到伦敦后去找汤姆。 伏笔:“Tom took a quick look at her through the rearview mirror (后视镜) with a smile. ‘Don’t worry, Ma’am. I know a shortcut that should get us there just in time,’ he replied calmly.” 体现汤姆的热心和自信。 回应:后续突出汤姆拾金不昧,呼喊凯特归还钱包,进一步印证他的优秀品质,也让凯特对他的感激加深。 伏笔:“Just ... ...
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