阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 The clock was one of the few things that survived both of my parents losing their jobs. The clock survived several years packed away in the attic (阁楼) of my grandparents’ house. Gradually, life got better. Slowly. Mom had taken the clock out of the box once after she and Dad had bought their first home. She had dusted it off, placed it on top of a bookcase in the new living room, and wound it. The clock would not tick (滴答响). It would not chime (报时). “Maybe,” she said with tears in her eyes, “it’s been too long.” She placed it back in the box, and stored it in her attic. There, in the attic, the clock sat. Not ticking. Not chiming. For years. In those years I had finished high school, then college. I had gotten married. I was blessed with the two most beautiful children, almost 2 and 4. I had bought a house with a fireplace and a mantle (壁炉架). Mom came over to our new house with a box. “I had the clock fixed. Oh, you’ll love it!” she said to my wife. “It had the most beautiful chime.” Mom took the clock out of the box and placed it on our mantle. She wound the clock. The chime of my childhood was back. And the chime really was beautiful. There, on the mantle, the clock sat. Ticking. Chiming. For months. Then, one day, the clock stopped ticking and chiming. With tears in her eyes, Mom wanted to store the clock in the box. “No,” I said, “We’ll leave it sit right there. That clock is too beautiful to live in a box.” I offered up a lame joke: “And, anyway, at least it will be right twice a day.” There, on the mantle, the clock sat. Not ticking. Not chiming. For more than a year. Now it was late. Very late. It was Christmas time. I continued to be busy helping Santa prepare Christmas gifts. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 第一段:Then, something strange happened. 第二段:On Christmas morning my wife noticed it first. 文章大意 本文围绕一个具有特殊意义的时钟展开。父母失业时,时钟被保存下来,后因无法运转被搁置在阁楼多年。随着家庭状况好转,母亲修好时钟并放在“我”新家的壁炉架上,可它又停止工作。在圣诞节前夕,“我”正忙着准备圣诞礼物。 故事山分析 开端:介绍时钟在家庭困难时期被保存,之后尝试修复但首次失败,搁置多年。 发展:母亲再次修好时钟,时钟在“我”家正常运转数月后又停止。 高潮:圣诞节前夕,奇怪的事情发生,可能与时钟相关,引发读者好奇。 结局:可能揭示时钟带来的惊喜,给家庭带来温暖和美好的节日氛围。 伏笔及在续写中的回应 伏笔:“The clock was one of the few things that survived both of my parents losing their jobs.”表明时钟对家庭意义重大。 回应:续写中,时钟的变化可能象征家庭好运的再次降临,进一步强调其特殊意义。 伏笔:“She had dusted it off, placed it on top of a bookcase in the new living room, and wound it. The clock would not tick. It would not chime.”显示时钟首次修复失败。 回应:与之后再次修好又停止形成对比,为第二次神奇变化做铺垫。 伏笔:“The chime of my childhood was back. And the chime really was beaut ... ...
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