ID: 22247896


日期:2025-02-01 科目:班会 类型:小学课件 查看:17次 大小:1885211B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Run, Rabbit, Run! 快跑,兔子,快跑! 作者 Mairi Mackinnon 绘者 Mark Chambers 01 兔子奇妙历险 02 精彩故事阅读 03 绘本阅读启示 目 录 01 兔子奇妙历险 Today, the rabbit was walking in the park and encountered many dangerous animals along the way, all of which were small animals nearby. Today, the rabbit was walking in the park and encountered many dangerous animals along the way, all of which were small animals nearby. 今天,小兔子在公园里散步,一路上遇到了很多危险的动物,都是附近的小动物。 故事开头从小兔子在公园里遇到6只鳄鱼开始,她正在散步,接连遇到多种危险的动物,包括鳄鱼,秃鹫,鲨鱼,蛇等等。小兔子能否运用自己的聪明才智化解危机? 兔子奇妙历险 02 精彩故事阅读 Today, the rabbit was walking in the park and encountered many dangerous animals along the way, all of which were small animals nearby. I spot six crocs in the park today. 今天我在公园遇到6只鳄鱼。 精彩故事阅读 精彩故事阅读 "Hey! Play on the train with us," they say. “ 嘿!跟我们一起在火车上玩吧,”他们说。 Stay away!走开! 精彩故事阅读 "Join us for a feast beneath the trees.“ “ 跟我们一起在树下享受盛宴吧。” 精彩故事阅读 I can see no meat- 我没有看见有肉呢- do they mean ME 难道他们指的是我? Better not wait and see! 最好不要等着瞧吧! I see seven vultures high in the sky. 我看见7只秃鹰在天空上高高地飞。 精彩故事阅读 精彩故事阅读 “Ooh, can you fly ” “ 哦,你会飞吗?” “We will help you try!” "我们能帮助你尝试下!” That\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a lie! 那是个谎话! 精彩故事阅读 "Jump in our boat, we will go for a row.“ “ 快跳上我们的船,我们去划船喽。” 精彩故事阅读 "Slow, so slow, just dip in your toe...“ “ 慢点,慢点,正好没过你的脚指…” No! No! No!不!不!不! 精彩故事阅读 Three sharks swim in the new blue pool. 三只鲨鱼在新的蓝池子里游泳。 精彩故事阅读 "The sun is hot, but you can keep cool.“ “ 太阳照得太热啦,但是你可以凉快下。” "Shoo!" I say. “ 嘘!”我说。 "I am not such a fool.“ “ 我不是个傻瓜。” 03 绘本阅读启示 Today, the rabbit was walking in the park and encountered many dangerous animals along the way, all of which were small animals nearby. 绘本阅读启示 故事里的兔子聪明伶俐,自制力强,具备独立判断能力,临危不惧。 这个故事就为我们做了一个很好的说明:我们遇到美妙的诱惑的时候,要保持主见,不要轻易相信陌生人的提议,要经过自己思考后再做出决定。 Run, Rabbit, Run! 快跑,兔子,快跑! 作者 Mairi Mackinnon 绘者 Mark Chambers

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