英语培优4 学案 心理情感描写+培优3跟踪训练讲评 一 培优3跟踪训练扩句优化 To my surprise, they presented me with the new bicycle and the bag as well as showed their gratitude for my good service in rain or shine. 优化1-1:Mr. Gordon led me to the bicycle and said it was a Christmas present for me. He went on to explain that they were grateful that I spared no effort to make sure the papers were delivered regardless of the weather. 间接引语 优化1-2. "This is for you," Mrs. Gordon said. I was dumbstruck. I didn't know what to say. Finally, one of the women led me to the center of the room. "You are the best paperboy we've ever had," she said. "There's never been a day when a paper was missing or late, never a day when it got wet. We've all seen you out there in the rain and snow with that little shopping cart. And so we thought you ought to have a bicycle." 对话 Hardly had I seen that there were my customers and a new bicycle with a bag full of envelopes hanging on the handlebar of it when I entered the room, which was beyond my expectations. 优化2. Hardly had I entered the room when all my subscribers said in one voice, “Surprise!”. Then a new bicycle with a bag full of envelopes hanging on the handlebar came into sight.I was confused. 3. Knowing that there would be few chances to earn money from Mrs. Riley, I disappointedly received the fact that I may fail to own a canary. None cared about her so that Mrs. Riley lay in bed lonely and helplessly. I spent a sleepless night imagining the room, where she was struggling with the evil of illness. 优化3. Since I could no longer work for Mrs. Riley, I had to go to find another job to earn enough money to buy a canary. But what about Mrs. Riley She was lying in bed with no one to help her. What if her groceries ran out Who would take care of Sam With those thoughts weighed heavily on my mind, I tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep until very late. 4.Quickly,it dawns on me that inside them were not only the things but also the kindness so that a flush of movement swept over me. 优化4. Realizing that what they presented me was not only money but also encouragement and recognition of my job, I was moved to tears. With patient heart, Mr. Miceli taught me how to ride it. 优化5. Kindness did not just stop there, though. The next day, when I went to collect my papers, Mr. Miceli said, “Bring your bicycle here. I’ll teach you to ride it.” After a night thinking Early the next morning, with a bag full of groceries I went to Mrs Riley and told her my decision that I was going to continue to work for her without being paid. Hearing such beautiful words, I couldn't stop jumping up and down and whooping. 优化7. The unexpected generosity overwhelmed me with a mix of gratitude and sadness. Mrs. Riley, despite her state of health, found a way to ensure my well-being. A lump formed in my throat as I realized the depth of her sacrifice. But with my thinking twice on seconds thoughts I refused her offer withou ... ...
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