教 案 教学基本信息 课题 高一英语(外研版)-必修三 Unit 1Listening and Speaking 学科 英语 学段:高中 年级 高一 教材 书名:《英语》(新标准)-出卷网-:外研社出版日期:2019 年 9月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 Teaching Objectives: At the end of the class, students will be able to: 1. get the main ideas of three conversations and match them to the pictures. 2. note down some information and complete the table. 3. act out the conversation about asking for a favour and refusing politely. 4. make a similar conversation to improve communication skills . Key points: 1.grasp the main ideas and integrate the information while listening 2.learn to refuse requests politely in daily life. Difficult points: learn to use proper words to refuse requests so as to keep good relationship. 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图 激活已知,激发学 习兴趣。帮助学生 理解在人际交往中 1) Students read “Did you know ” individually on 情商的重要性,礼 Step 1 page 7 of the student book to get some information 貌得体地拒绝他人 Lead-in of EQ and share their opinions in class or pairs. 的要求也是高情商 Teacher makes comments on the activity. 的表现之一。从而 更好地理解听力材 料的内容。 1) Students look at the pictures of activity 7 and talk Step 2 根据图片和听的内 about them individually. Teacher guides the activity. Listening for 容来把握谈话主旨 2) Teacher plays the tape. Students listen to the main ideas three conversations and match them to the pictures. 3) Teacher guides students to grasp the main idea of each conversation. 1) Teacher asks Students to read the table of activity 8 and complete the table with their own Step 3 words. Listening for 2) Teacher plays the tape and students listen and 获取、记录缺失信 detailed note down the information quickly. 息 information After each conversation, teacher asks students to check up the answers and then share their answers in class. 1) Teacher encourages students to read the conversations on the screen aloud, following Step 4 the tape and paying attention to the useful 学习如何做礼貌的 Listening for expressions to refuse others’ requests politely. 拒绝请求,为输出 speaking 2) Teacher guides students to read the part of 对话做准备。 learning to learn, sharing their understanding of how to refuse requests politely. 1) Teacher encourages students to work out in pairs and act out the conversation about asking for a 在情境中模仿、体 favour and refusing politely by referring to the clues 验使用礼貌拒绝的 on p81 and p84. 语用知识。同时, 2) Teacher encourages students to evaluate the 通过自我评价和评 Step 5 conversations in groups, according to Evaluation 1. 价他人的对话效果 Speaking 3) Teacher encourages students to sum up the 来体会礼貌拒绝对 situations where polite refusals are used. 于保持良好人际关 Saying no if the request is not morally right. 系的作用,从而提 Saying no if the request is going too far. 升自己的情商。 Saying no if you don’t have the time to meet a commitment. 4) Teacher asks students to think of another Step ... ...
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