ID: 22489099

Unit 8 Follow your interests Section 1 Listening 课件+内嵌音频 沪教版七年级下册

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:24448003B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Follow your interests 主题范畴: 人与自我 主题群: 做人与做事 子主题: 职业启蒙,职业精神 Key question How can we turn our interests into a career Learning objectives 学习目标 At the end of the class, I’ll be able to: Improve the ability to understand and analyze narrative text. Analyze how to turn a hobby into a career. Assess the qualities of Patrick Moore and retell the story of him. Make a sentence using simile (比喻). Develop the ability to critically understand career planning. possible / p s bl/ athlete / θli:t/ biologist /ba l d st/ instrument / nstr m nt/ interest / ntr st/ *career /k r (r)/ adj. 可能 n. 运动员 n. 生物学家 n. 乐器;仪器 n. 兴趣;业余爱好 n. 生涯;职业 Reading New words and phrases lifetime / la fta m/ *diamond / da m nd/ belt /belt/ shoot / u:t/ ▲extremely / k stri:mli/ curious / kj ri s/ increase / n kri:s/ n. 一生;终身 n. 钻石 n. 腰带 v. 冲;奔;飞驰 adv. 极其;极端;非常 adj. 求知欲强的;好奇的 v. 增长;增多;增加 host /h st/ ▲ beyond /b j nd/ ▲ audience / :di ns/ lively / la vli/ actually / kt u li/ go outside more and more v. 主持 adv. 在另一边;在(或向)更远处 n. 观众;听众 adj. 充满趣味的;令人兴奋的 adv. 事实上 外出 越来越多 Warm-up Section 1 — What do you enjoy doing in your free time — I enjoy _____ in my free time. Experiencing and understanding language Free talk Lead-in What are their hobbies What will they become when they grow up hobby Playing the guitars Musicians career First thoughts Before you read Look at the hobbies below and suggest possible jobs from the list. You can also suggest other jobs. Then discuss your interests and dream jobs in pairs. writer / historian athlete photographer / reporter painter engineer biologist programmar dancer musician astronomer Some people have turned their interests into a career. Have you heard of anyone like that Discuss in groups. Read the article by Patrick Moore (1923 -2012), a British amateur astronomer, and find out how he turned his interest into a career. While-reading Read for information Reading Strategy: Skimming Look at the pictures and the title of the article on page 117. Then answer the questions below. 1. What is Patrick Moore’s hobby Studying stars. 2. What is probably his job now A person who studies stars. 3. What is the genre (体裁) A. Narration (记叙文) B. Argumentation (议论文) C. Exposition (说明文) 4. In what order does the author describe the story Time order. Reading comprehension 1 Reading Strategy: Scanning got a book about stars from my dad as a birthday present was great fun for me studying the stars Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do! asked all kinds of questions and read a lot about the topic. Complete the sentences with the information from the article on page 117. In para. 1, what made Patrick interested in studying stars A book about stars. Read for details What a beautiful description (描述)! It’s very graphic (有画面 ... ...

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