ID: 22489111

Unit 8 Follow your interests Section 1 Listening 课件+音视频 沪教版七年级下册

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:30次 大小:29363501B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Follow your interests 主题范畴: 人与自我 主题群: 做人与做事 子主题: 职业启蒙,职业精神 Key question How can we turn our interests into a career Learning objectives 学习目标 At the end of the class, I’ll be able to: Improve my ability to understand and analyze narrative text. Analyze the quality of finding a dream job. Assess the qualities of Jane Goodall and know the contribution she makes. Develop the ability to critically plan my future career. kiss /k s/ hug /h ɡ/ method / meθ d/ compare /k m pe (r)/ ▲nowadays / na de z/ n. 吻 n. 拥抱;搂抱 n. 方法;办法 v. 将……比作 adv. 现今;现在;目前 New words and phrases Focusing on culture human being / hju:m n bi: / ▲lecture / lekt (r)/ dream of come true n. 人 n. 讲座;讲课;演讲 梦想 实现;成为现实 Warm-up Extending and developing competencies How can you find your dream job Self-assessment Research Gaining experience Networking Preparing application materials Free talk Section 4 Lead-in Do you know MR. H Prediction Look at the pictures and the title. 1. What might Jane’s career be Never give up 2. How did she make her dream come true Her career might be studying chimpanzees (黑猩猩). By never giving up. Jane Goodall, zoologist (a person who studies animals) While-reading Read for information Read the article about Jane Goodall and find out how she turned her interests into her dream job. Jane’s dream and her mother’s encouragement. Jane’s origin of interest in animals. Jane’s research on chimpanzees and the doubts she faced. Para 1-2 Para 3-4 Para 5-6 Para 7-8 The influence of Jane’s research and the inspiration it brings. Main idea Read for details When she was a child When she was 16 When she was 26 now _____ a career studying _____ in Africa. got _____ from her mother. _____ Britain _____ the mountains of East Africa. _____ the animals _____ and they _____. _____ a lot about chimpanzees. Methods she used was giving the chimpanzee names and _____ them _____ human. Not very _____in animals One day, her father gave her a _____. _____, she became interested. Is _____ all over the world. made her dreams _____. interested toy chimpanzee From that day on Dreamt of wild animals encouragement Travelled from to Watched for a long time become friends Discovered well known come true compared to Read para. 1-2, find the answer of these questions. What was Jane’s attitude towards animals when she was a child at first A. Very interested. B. A little interested. C. Not very interested. D. Hated animals. Jane became interested in animals because her father gave her a _____. toy chimpanzee Read para. 3-4, find the answer of these questions. What did Jane dream of when she was 16 A. Travelling around the world. B. Having a toy chimpanzee. C. Studying wild animals in Africa. D. Becoming a world-famous scientist. What advice did Jane’s mother give her If you really want something, work hard and never give up. Then you’ll find a ... ...

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