课件网) UNIT 4 Section A 1a-1d What do we like to eat 学 习 目 标 能够准确使用可数名词和不可数名词来描述食物和饮料,与同伴进行角色扮演,分享食物喜好。(学习理解) 运用相关的语言表达方式,准确描述多种食物种类,分享饮食偏好,并讨论某种食物或饮料的健康益处。(迁移创新) 用恰当的听力策略,能够获取听力中的关键信息,如食物种类、饮食偏好等,与同伴进行角色扮演,并掌握学习如何谈论饮食偏好关键词汇和表达方式。(应用实践) 壹 情 景 导 入 Scenario import Watch and say Do you think food can tell us something about culture Look and share 1. What can you see in this photo What are they 2. Do you think they are healthy 3. Which food do you often eat Which food do you like the best Fish, rice, orange, tea... Yes, they are. I often eat . I like best. 贰 学 习 理 解 Learning to understand Look and say Can you name these foods And classify them, please! Meats Vegetables onions / nj n/ cabbage / k b d / beans /bi:n/ carrots fish chicken mutton / m tn/ beef Drinks Desserts cookies / k ki/ milk juice coffee tea ice cream Staple Foods dumplings / d mpl / porridge noodles pizza sandwiches bread rice Others salad fish and chips yogurt Fruits watermelons / w t rmel n/ Write the foods in the box under the pictures. Which food(s) do you like carrot onion cookie mutton cabbage watermelon carrot mutton cabbage watermelon onion cookie I’d like to eat , but I don’t like . 叁 应 用 实 践 Application Practice Listen to the first conversation. Tick what Li Meng and Jane would like for lunch. 1. Jane would like to have 2. Li Meng would like to have beef and carrot dumplings mutton and onion dumplings watermelon juice coffee mutton and onion dumplings noodles with beef and cabbage tea watermelon juice Set meal = staple food + drink +... staple food drink Listen to the first conversation. Tick what Li Meng and Jane would like for lunch. 1. Jane would like to have 2. Li Meng would like to have beef and carrot dumplings mutton and onion dumplings watermelon juice coffee mutton and onion dumplings noodles with beef and cabbage tea watermelon juice Predict what Jane have for breakfast (B), lunch (L), and dinner (D) __ beef __ bread and milk __ chicken __ cookies __ eggs and beans __ fish and chips __ sandwiches __ ice cream __ juice __ yogurts __ pizza __ salad L/D B B L/D L/D B L/D B/D L/D L/D L L What’s your opinion Listen to the second conversation. What does Jane have for breakfast (B), lunch (L), and dinner (D) __ beef __ bread and milk __ chicken __ cookies __ eggs and beans __ fish and chips __ sandwiches __ ice cream __ juice __ yogurts __ pizza __ salad L B B L L L L L D D D D Jane: Oh, dumplings, my favourite! Look, Li Meng, there are two kinds. Li Meng: Lucky you! Well, there’s beef and carrot, and mutton and onion. Which would you like, beef or mutton Jane: Beef, please. Do you want dumplings too Li Meng: Not really. I’d like noodles with beef and cabbage. Jane: That sounds delicious. Now, what would you like to drin ... ...