ID: 22496302

外研版(2024)七年级下册 Unit 4 The art of having fun 第2课时 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2025-03-25 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:61次 大小:333322B 来源:二一课件通
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/ 让教学更有效 高效备课 | 英语学科 Unit 4 The art of having fun教学设计外研版(2024)七下 课题 Unit 4 The art of having fun 单元 Understanding ideas 课型 使用教材 外研版 出版时间 2024 学科 英语 年级 七年级 教材分析 A reading material about having fun. 学习目标 1. Some core words and expressions of the text;2. Get information from the reading material.3. Find some creative ways of having fun. 重点 Find some creative ways of having fun. 难点 Find some creative ways of having fun. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入(5分钟) Look at the title and predict what the passage is about.Use the expressions to help you. Look and predict. 根据题目预测短文内容,提高学生的预测能力,发散学生的思维。 课前活动(10分钟) Work in groups. What do you usually do to have fun Talk about the answer. 谈论学生空闲时间的获得乐趣的活动,提高学生的表达能力。 课中活动(15分钟) 1.Imagine staying on an island alone. You can only take five things with you. Here is the list. What's the fifth thing Choose another suitable title for the passage.3. Complete the chart with the words and expressions from the passage. Listen and check the answers.3.Work in groups. Say something about how to have fun in your spare time or when you are alone. Imagine and answer.plete the chart. Listen and check.Work in groups. Say something about how to have fun in your spare time or when you are alone. 学生想象如何选择第五件东西,发散学生的思维并提高表达能力。根据学生的理解,选择合适的标题,提高学生的理解能力。读短文,获取主要信息,提高学生获取信息都能力。通过听力检测答案,提高学生的听力能力。小组谈论最喜欢的空闲时间或独处时的取乐方式,提高学生表达能力。 课后活动(15分钟) Think and share. Learn to think for questions. Be open minded and understand others better. 思考并分享,学生学会如何表达,锻炼学生的表达能力。 课堂总结 1. Some core words and expressions of the text;2. Get information from the reading material.3. Find some creative ways of having fun. 板书 Unit 4 The art of having funAll work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy 作业 Search for some information about some creative ways of having fun. 21世纪教育网 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "" 21世纪教育网(

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