ID: 22511615

【新课标公开课】Unit4 Eat Well SectionA 1a-1d优质课件+素材包 人教版七年级下册

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:52次 大小:421850579B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit4 Eat Well 人教版七年级下册 Section A 1a-1d听说课优质课件 Learning objectives 1. 掌握并正确运用词汇:watermelon, cabbage, mutton, cookie, onion, dumpling, coffee, bean, chip, salad, porridge等。 2. 能够准确使用可数名词和不可数名词来描述食物和饮料,与同伴进行角色扮演,分享食物喜好。 3.用恰当的听力策略,能够获取听力中的关键信息,如食物种类、饮食偏好等,与同伴进行角色扮演,并掌握学习如何谈论饮食偏好关键词汇和表达方式。 4.能够根据食物搭配判断饮食是否健康,积极思考健康的饮食方式,并思考均衡饮食的意义。 1. talk about what you or others have for meals. 2. ask others about their food preferences and offer choices. 3. use countable and uncountable nouns to talk about food and drink. 4. explore how eating affects our health. Unit Objectives In this unit, you will 本单元以“食物”为话题,涉及新课标中“人与自我”范畴内“饮食与健康”主题。通过一系列对话、短文和项目活动,帮助学生认识到健康饮食的重要性,了解不同食物的营养价值,同时培养他们的语言表达能力、信息获取能力和健康饮食意识。 一餐;膳食 偏爱 提供选择 可数名词和不可数名词 影响 Look and share 1. Can you name any of the foods or dishes in the photo Steamed Fish (清蒸鱼) Pork Rib Soup with Lotus Root (莲藕排骨汤) Fried Broccoli(炒西蓝花) Cucumber Salad (凉拌黄瓜) Fried Dried Tofu (炒豆干) rice(米饭) tea(茶) orange(橙子) Yes, I can. ... 2. Which dish would you like to eat the most I like the most. 3. What is your favourite food Do you often eat it I often eat . I like best. Let’s watch and think. What kind of food do you know dumplings / d mpl / porridge noodles pizza sandwiches bread rice Words about staples (主食) / s nw t / / p r d / / pi ts / 注意:noodles/dumpling 通常以复数形式出现 meat beef mutton chicken fish pork 注意:meat肉类(不可数) chicken可做可数名词和不可数名词,做不可数名词是“鸡肉”;做可数名词是“小鸡” [bi:f] ['m tn] [p k] Words about food Words about food vegetable onions / nj n/ cabbage / k b d / beans /bi:n/ carrots tomatoes potatoes fruit Words about food watermelon grapes bananas oranges strawberries mango / w t rmel n/ Words about food snacks and drinks cookies chips coffee tea coffee bean salad yogurt juice ice cream milk Quick response: Which one is missing watermelon cabbage mutton cookie onion carrot _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ carrot mutton cabbage watermelon onion cookie Write the foods in the box under the pictures. Which food(s) do you like 1a I’d like to eat , but I don’t like . Free talk What do you usually eat for three meals Do you think you eat well breakfast lunch dinner/supper 07:00 What do you usually have for _____ I usually have _____ and _____. breakfast bread milk 12:00 What do you usually have for _____ I usually have _____ and ____. Let’s look and say! lunch rice fish What do you usually have for _____ I usually have _____ and _____. Let’s look and say! 18:00 dinner porridge dumplings How can we have a balanced diet Design your menu: Design a menu for your breakfast, l ... ...

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