ID: 22515619

Unit3 Keep Fit SectionA 1a-1d课件+音频(共30张PPT)人教版(2024)七年级英语下册

日期:2025-03-13 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:24次 大小:41527779B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Keep Fit Section A ( 1a-1d ) BIG Question Why are animals important BIG Question How do we keep fit 本课学习目标 本节课结束时,学生能够: 1. 通过观察单元主题图和大问题,准确识别并理解保持健康的重要性,明确单元学习任务。 2. 能够获取对话中的关键信息,如运动类型、运动频率、物品归属等,与同伴进行角色扮演,运用目标语言讨论如何保持健康、分享运动经历以及使用物主代词确认物品归属。 3. 以“保持健康”为情境,创编一段对话,对话中需包含对运动类型的描述、运动频率的分享、物品归属的确认以及运动对保持健康重要性的阐述,语言清晰、表达准确,使用物主代词来确认物品归属。 What are these boys doing / f t /= healthy and strong What do you think of this sport Is it exciting Is it apopular sport in our school Do you like playing basketball Why or why not Is playing basketball a good way to keep fit Think and say Do you play sports What sports do you play play basketball / football / tennis /... do yoga / kungfu / ... jump ropes / swim / run / ... Free talk What’re these baseball baseball bat baseball gloves Free talk What’s this jump rope Free talk What’re these ping-pong bat ping-pong ball To do some sports, we need sports items. What are these sports items 1a Write the sports items in the box under the pictures. ping-pong bat running shoes exercise mat tennis racket jump rope baseball gloves basketball baseball 1b Listen to the conversations at a sports centre. Answer the questions. 1. Whose football is it 2. Whose baseball glove is it 3. Whose tennis racket is it How do you know Han Lin’s Peter’s Han Lin’s. Because it has “HL” on it. Emma: Is this football yours, Han Lin Han Lin: Yes, thank you. That's mine. Emma: How often do you play football Han Lin: I play football three times a week. How about you Emma: Hardly ever. Maybe just once a year I'm not very good at it! Han Lin: You can practise with me if you like. Stressed words Conversation 1 Fu Xing: Whose baseball glove is this Peter: Oh, that's mine. Thanks! Fu Xing: You're welcome, Peter. Do you play baseball often Peter: Yes. I usually play once or twice at weekends. How often do you play Fu Xing: Twice a week. Can I join your game this weekend Peter: Of course! Conversation 2 Binbin: Ella, is this tennis racket yours Ella: No, it's not mine. Ask Han Lin. I think it's his. Binbin: Oh, you're right. It has "HL" on it. Ella: Do you play tennis, Binbin Binbin: I never do. I don't like it. What about you Ella: I like tennis. Binbin: How often do you play it Ella: I play it three times a week, and sometimes more! Binbin: That's a lot! Conversation 3 1c Listen again. Complete the table with the correct information. twice a week three times a week never do football baseball three times a week Pair work: find one sports item that you both have. Talk about the sport or exercise you do with it. 1d Do you have a ping-pong bat Yes, I do. How often do you play ping-pong I play it three times a week. 1. How often do you have piano lessons 你多久上一 ... ...

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