练词汇 一、词义匹配 1. buffet( ) A. a structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pump, decorate parks and gardens/yards 2. territory( ) B. knock or push sb/sth roughly from side to side 3. cottage( ) C. excellent; of very good quality 4. journalist( ) D. land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler 5. fountain( ) E. a small house, usually in a village or the countryside 6. superb( ) F. a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio or television 二、单句填空(根据首字母或汉语提示填空) 1. China’s v_____ territory allows people to enjoy the beauty of nature. 2. Early on, the fence marked the b_____ between my property and hers, but now it’s changed. 3. Before the wedding buffet, the guests went up to the bridegroom and the bride to b_____ them. 4. Standing at the e_____ of the mountain, you can have a good view of the beautiful city. 5. A ban on development put in place in 2015 resulted in a v_____ population increase of Siberian tigers. 6. Plan out your r_____ before you set out. 7. He was suffering a high fever and lost his a_____. 8. Jane started a special c_____ about gap - year travelling in the school magazine. 9. They hope paper bags will _____(明令禁止,取缔)someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years. 10. These brothers will _____(陪同)you to that remote village, where you will spend your holiday. 11. The seeds are available, because each bag of them is _____(用标签标明)with the growing name. 12. She gets _____(极大的)pleasure out of visiting Disneyland. 13. He sat on the chair, _____(摇晃)his legs. 14. Parents prefer taking their children to some places that combine _____(娱乐)with education. 15. Universal Beijing Resort is an _____(极好的)theme park for locals and tourists. 二、选词填空(用方框内所给词汇或短语的适当形式完成句子) upside down be home to fit into live offon the move appeal to up to be worth it 1. It is predicted that the flat - topped mountain _____ nearly 1,500 species of flowers. 2. As we all know, some animals have long necks and they have to _____ the leaves of tall trees. 3. Early on, an elephant group was _____ in Samburu National Park in Kenya. 4. The new system of the air conditioner is a bit complicated, but in the long run, it will _____. 5. A terrible kind of cancer has killed _____ two thousand people here. 6. The police turned the whole house _____ looking for accurate clues. 7. The park is designed to _____ all ages and social groups. 8. The first day in my new school, I thought that I would not be able to _____ the new environment. 四、完形填空 For my birthday, I wanted to visit Yosemite National Park with my family. But since I didn't 1 a hotel or cabin many weeks in advance, we had to go and come back on the 2 day. Peter and I 3 to Yosemite National Park at least once a year, 4 my family hadn't been there for years. And it was my little sister's first visit. I wanted this to be a ... ...
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