课件网) Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents 人教新目标版 八年级下 SectionB 1a-1e公开课 Learning objectives 1.听懂含有member, pressure,compete等词汇和有关描述困难、表达建议的对话。 2.正确使用在听说活动中学到的新词汇和表达方式;通过不同方式的练习,熟练运用询问及提建议的表达方式; 3.能够学会正确看待生活和学习上的压力,逐步建立正确、积极的生活态度。 Not enough sleep time; Lots of learning tasks to do; Need more rest time; Prepare for many exams; Worry about your scores; Feel anxious about going to school. s t r e s s s t r e s s You are suffering from (遭受) stress! Let’s do a survey. Warming-up Most of us are under pressure. be under pressure(在压力下) Lead-in What causes stress in life school too much homework too many examinations often fail exams have to compete with classmates have to get up early to go to school Brainstorm get into a fight with brothers or sisters criticized(批评)by parents Parents fight a lot. Parents always compare us with others. don’t have enough pocket money family What causes stress in life Brainstorm Most of us are under pressure. What activities should we do to help lower our stress Give some advice. be under pressure(在压力下) lower one's stress(减压) You could... You should... Would you like to... How/What about... Let’s... You'd better... Why not/Why don’t you... Presentation What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress read books Why not ... to lower our stress Presentation What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress play sports Why not ... to lower our stress What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress listen to music We should ... to lower our stress. What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress talk to parents We should ... to lower our stress. What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress hang out with friends We’d better ... to lower our stress. What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress watch movies How about... to lower our stress What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress spend time alone We can... to lower our stress. What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress play computer games We could... to lower our stress. What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress have a good sleep We could... to lower our stress. What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress keep a diary We should... to lower our stress. What other activities can help lower your stress Ways to lower your stress: Go shopping with someone you like; Take photos of beautiful scenery; Go for travelling; Have some delicious food; Play Tai Chi (打太极); Do meditation (冥想). ____ play sports ____ hang out with friends ____ talk to parents or other family members ____ spend time alone ____ play computer games ____ read books ____ watch movies ____ other: _____ What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress Order them [1-8 ... ...