ID: 22585921

Unit 4 The art of having fun第二课时 Understanding ideas语法课课件--2025新外研版七年级英语下册

日期:2025-03-25 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:33次 大小:1082086B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 The art of having fun Understanding ideas (语法学习) Learning objectives 1.To master the basic and usage of imperative sentence. 2.To be able to use imperative sentence to talk about something. 3.To master the different types of positive imperative sentence and negative sentence. Review. Why is having fun so important What can we do to have fun Read the sentences from the reading passage and summarise the grammar rules. Find more sentences with these structures in the reading passage. Just picture yourself watching a funny film on that island. So, next time, invite your friends to enjoy live music together. Imagine staying on an island alone. Don’t forget to take some time out to have fun and enjoy life! Just picture yourself watching a funny film on that island. So, next time, invite your friends to enjoy live music together. Who is the writer talking to Why does the writer use sentences like these Think about the sentences above. The writer is talking to “you”. The writer is trying to give an instruction (指令). Complete the instructions with the verbs in brackets. Use don’t appropriately. Don’t worry Try Read What are these instructions about They are about ways to have fun and enjoy life. Don’t worry Try Read Imperatives 祈使句 Read the sentences. Think: What purpose (意图) does the speaker try to express to give advice (叮嘱、劝告) to give notice / orders (提醒、命令) Imperatives 祈使句 Think: What sentence structures (句子结构) do these sentences share Do they have any subject (主语) No. The hidden subject is you. What verb form (动词形式) do they use The base form (动词原形). How do we express the negative meaning (否定意义) Use “don’t”. How do we try to be more polite (礼貌) / express stronger feelings Use “please”. / Use the exclamation mark (感叹号). Usually we can’t use “be” and “don’t” together in a sentence. But in imperative sentences, we put “don’t” before “be” to express the negative meaning (否定意义). Don’t be late again. Imperatives 祈使句 The speaker tries to give advice / hope / warnings / notice / orders. (叮嘱、劝告、希望、警告、提醒、命令) ① No subject. / Hidden subject “you” (隐藏主语 you). ② The base form (动词原形). ③ Use “please” or the exclamation mark (感叹号) to be polite / express strong feelings. ④ Use “don’t” to express the negative meaning (否定意义). Imperatives 祈使句 Summary Purpose (意图) Structure (句子结构) Complete the poster with the verbs in the box. Use don’t appropriately. call enjoy share make explore join miss out Join Enjoy Share Explore Make Don’t miss out call Think. What else would you add to the poster Think and share. 1. Is it necessary to set up clubs at school 2. Why is it important to have fun 3. What advice would you like to give on having fun Work in pairs. Talk about the importance of having fun. Work in pairs. Talk about the importance of having fun. A: Is it necessary to set up c ... ...

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