ID: 22589406


日期:2025-03-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:170742B 来源:二一课件通
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    学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 专题03 完形填空解题技巧及进阶练20篇 (紧贴新教材主题,期中预测) 说明:此专题练习部分分三个难度层次,基础入门训练<进阶拓展训练< 能力综合实践,老师根据学生实际情况进行针对性难度训练。 解题技巧精讲 一、解题步骤 1.通读全文,把握大意 先快速阅读全文(跳过空格),了解文章主题、人物关系、时间地点和事件发展,特别注意首尾段和每段首句。 2.联系上下文,推测答案 根据上下文逻辑(因果、转折、并列等)和关键词(如but, because, however)判断空格处内容。 3.分析选项,排除干扰 从语法(时态、词性)、搭配(固定短语)和语义三个角度排除错误选项,优先选择符合语境的答案。 4.代入验证,检查逻辑 将答案代入原文,检查是否通顺,确保情节连贯、无矛盾。 二、高频考点与技巧 1.词汇辨析 近义词:注意细微差别(如“look/see/watch”)。 固定搭配:熟记常见短语(如“make progress, pay attention to”)。 例:He _____ a book when I entered the room. A. read B. was reading(正确答案:B,过去进行时强调动作持续) 2.语法结构 时态语态:根据时间状语(yesterday, now)和上下文判断。 从句引导词:区分that/what/when等引导词的用法。 3.逻辑关系 转折:but, however, yet 因果:because, so, therefore 并列:and, or, as well as 4.文化常识与情感色彩 根据常识判断(如西方节日习俗)。 注意褒贬词(如“brave” vs. “stupid”)。 三、常见陷阱 脱离语境:仅凭中文翻译选答案,忽略上下文。 过度联想:自行脑补文中未提及的信息。 忽视复现词:答案可能在前文或后文有同义词/反义词提示。 四、日常训练建议 限时练习:每篇完形填空控制在8-10分钟内完成。 精读错题:总结错误原因(词汇/语法/逻辑),整理高频考点。 积累高频词:整理完形填空中常见的动词、连词和短语。 附: 快速解题口诀 通读全文抓主线,上下文里找关联; 语法搭配需谨慎,逻辑常识是关键; 排除干扰再验证,勤练多思分必现! 精准分层达标 基础入门训练7篇 The Browns have a nice two-floor building. Now, let me 1 you something about it. On the 2 floor, there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. Look! Mr. Brown is 3 the newspaper in the living room. His wife (妻子) is cooking dinner 4 the family in the kitchen. Their son is drinking 5 in the dining room. On the second floor, there are two 6 , a study and a bathroom. The big bedroom is for Mr. Brown and his 7 . The 8 one is for Jim. Next to his bedroom is a 9 . There 10 two book shelves and a computer in it. Jim usually plays games and 11 music on the computer. There is a garden 12 their building. Mrs. Brown waters (给……浇水) the flowers every day, so the flowers are really 13 . Mrs. Brown always picks (采摘) some 14 in the garden. She puts the flowers in the living room. The Browns like 15 house very much. 1.A.tell B.speak D.say B.two C.first D.second 3.A.seeing B.looking C.watching D.reading B.for D.over 5.A.apples B.bananas C.bread D.milk rooms B.bedrooms C.kitchens D.dining rooms 7.A.son B.daughter C.wife 8.A.small C.big D.large C.yard room 10.A.has B.have D.are 11.A.listens to B.looks at C.writes to D.plays with 12.A.behind the center C ... ...

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