ID: 22595649

(教-学-评一致性)人教版八年级(下) Unit 4 Section B(1a-1e)听说课示范课课件+导学案+语言点精讲与分层作业

日期:2025-03-25 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:50次 大小:62901325B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Presentation 人教新目标版 八年级(下册) Presentation Learning Objectives 1.通过观看视频和图片,能够正确地回答问题,能够说出自己成长中遇到的烦恼和问题,能够说出烦恼来自哪些方面,能够说出针对压力提出的建议,能够谈论自己喜欢的减压方式和活动。 2.能够根据已知信息对听力材料进行预测,增强听前预测意识。通过听力练习,能够正确地选择出谈论的压力,能够听懂Wei Ming和Alice谈论压力的对话内容,从中获取关键信息,完成听力任务。 3.学会谈论同学们在生活学习中遇到的问题,并能针对问题提出自己的建议。能正确使用情态动词shouldn't表达建议或劝告。通过Alice和 Nei Ming的对话,使同学们学会正视自已遇到的向题,并积极想办法解决,形成乐观向上的性格。 Presentation Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say 评价标准:观看视频回答问题,正确回答出前2个问题得2分,正确回答最后2个问题得6分,说出1种压力得1分,共8分。此活动共8分。 我得( )分。 Let’s watch a video and answer the questions. 1.What does the topic talk about 2.What does it may come from 3.What is the stress from school 4.What is the pressure from family Stress. School and our family. Presentation Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say Speak out your problems. parents fight a lot don’t have enough pocket money have to get up early to go to school 评价标准:观看图片说出自己的压力,说出1个图片得1分,也可以根据自己的情况回答,共8分。此活动共8分。 我得( )分。 Presentation Activity 3 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say _____ My parents give me a lot of pressure about school. _____ I don’t get enough sleep. _____ I don’t have enough free time. _____ I had a fight with my parents. _____ I have to compete with my classmates at school. B.friends time D. study A.parents C. classmates A F E A C D Read and match. [k m'pi t] 评价标准:观看图片选择答案,正确选择1个图片得1分,共6分。此活动共6分。 我得( )分。 Presentation Activity 4 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say Where does your stress come from Stress is _____. everywhere school family friends friends Do your parents give you too much stress 评价标准:观看图片回答问题,正确填出1个空格得1分,正确回答问题得3分,最多说出来自3个方面,共4分。此活动共4分。 我得( )分。 Presentation Activity 5 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say Most of us are under pressure. What activities should we do to help lower our stress Why not ... to lower our stress read books We should ... to lower our stress. talk to parents 评价标准:观看图片回答问题,正确填出1个活动得1分,也可以用自己的真实情况回答,共8分。加上下1页,此活动共12分。 我得( )分。 We’d better ... to lower our stress. watch movies How about... to lower our stress spend time alone hang out with friends play sports listen to music eat delicious food Presentation Activity 5 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say What other activities can help lower your stress 评价标准:观看图片回答问题,正确填出1个活动得1分,也可以用自己的真实情况回答,共4分。加上上1页,此活动共12分。 我得( )分。 We can... to lower our stress. play compute ... ...

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