

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:31次 大小:32483Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高二英语基础知识竞赛 一、单词拼写(1’ 35) 1. Jiang Wen plays a role in that film, that is to say, he is c_____ in that film. 2. Paul d_____ the invitation to the reception because he was too busy. 3. _____(摆脱、去除) oneself of a bad habit is not easy. 4. Mike bought his da ughter a toy bear as a _____(纪念品) when he went to Hong Kong Disneyland. 5. If you ord er after that, we r_____ the right to either accept or reject order requests. 6. Liang Sicheng an d Lin hui-yin are known to be great _____(建筑师). 7. Some people ma intain that watching violence on TV is one of the major causes of a_____ behavior and crime in society. 8. English is suc h a u_____ language that the majority of countries in the world speak it. 9. Even though the con ference hall is near his apartment , he has to hurry a little if he wants to be p_____. 10. All peopl e present are o_____ to the project for the reason that it will cause much pollution. 11. With the final exam approaching, Peter _____(抵制) the desire to watch his favorite cartoons and focused on his schoolwork 12. He found a note _____(钉) to the wooden door, saying “I will come next time.” 13. Hurricane is on e of the disastrous (灾难性的) natural p_____. 14. It is widely acknowledged that students should be e_____ in terms of overall quality. 15. Many people join ed the policeman in running after the thief, who made a d_____ attempt to escape. 16. Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional c_____. 17. Whoever a_____ his authority and high position for personal gain against law will be punished in the end. 18. Swimming co ntributes to the blood c_____ through the muscles, so the sport is beneficial. 19. The college stu dents decided to volunteer at a company so he could a_____ experience. 20. Today is the d_____ for handing in your homework, or you shall be punished by your teacher. 21. The general c_____ that we should attack at once. 22. _____(入迷) herself to love stories, he girl almost forgot everything, which made her parents very disappointed. 23. There are _____(限制) on what you can bring into the country, Alcohol, for example, is totally forbidden. 24. The world d_____ of wealth and income is still highly unequal, which poses a threat to world peace. 25. At the end of the great performance, the audience all stood up, _____(鼓掌) enthusiastically. 26. They accused him of being p_____ against his women employees. 27. Independence an d equality among different countries are the basic p_____ of the international laws. 28. Gambling is one of the greatest _____(恶习) among young people in Britain nowdays. 29. Elizabeth r_____ her mother facially, but is quite different in character. 30. -- _____ (祝贺) on your passing the driving test! -- Thank you. 31. I felt d_____ after getting off the roller coaster and tried to grab something to maintain balance. 32. Surprisingly, t he c_____ for judging the quality of the company’s product are all made by it ... ...

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