
牛津译林版英语九上Unit5 Art world Task 教案+课件(2份打包)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:49次 大小:3630774Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    《英语》(九年级上册) Unit 5 Art world Task I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. write an article about the art form they like best. 2. learn how to evaluate and modify their draft. II. Teaching contents New words and phrases: praise, gift, mark, encourage, literature, praise my designs for the art festival, have a real gift for, mix the paint with water, drop some paint onto the paper, be crazy about crayons and paints New structures: She encourages me to keep trying and make more beautiful pictures. I enjoy myself in the world of colours everytime I paint. I did make some wonderful pictures later. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Understand some sentence structures in the context; 2. Learn to evaluate their articles and then modify them. IV. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in Free talk T: Boys and girls, look at the pictures and tell me what art forms they are. T: Yes. They are dance, drama, film, photography, paper-cut, music, painting, calligraphy and literature. Can you name more art forms? T: Whose works are they? Yes, they are works of Moyan. What great achievement has he received? T: Right. The Nobel Prize in Literature. He has a great mother. She encouraged him a lot and used to praised him for what he did. What else do you think is important for his success? T: I agree with you. He is good at writing. That is, he has a real gift for writing. Maybe his childhood in the town—Gaomi has impressed him a lot. 【设计意图:通过头脑风暴的方式快速再现各种艺术形式。谈论著名作家莫言,在语境中呈现和操练生词。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Task One Listen and read T: Sandy also has a great gift. What is it? Was she once good at it? Let’s listen to her story. T: Good job. Next let’s read the following questions and try to answer them. (1) How did Sandy make the beautiful picture? (2) Who influenced her most? How? (3) How does Sandy feel everytime she paints? T: What do you think of her teacher Ms Luo? Here is a poem about her. Please finish it. A teacher is like Spring, Who nurtures?[?n?:t??]?(培养) new green sprouts?[spra?t](新芽), Encourages and praises them, Whenever they have doubts. She is a good judge of talents. She is a Bole for Sandy. Do you think so? 【设计意图:通过听与读的方式梳理Sandy的范文;通过超链接的方式帮助学生理解Sandy的泼墨画;通过问答和欣赏诗歌的形式,让他们理解罗老师对Sandy的影响。】 2. Task Two Discuss and analyze T: Read the whole passage carefully and look at this mind map. What’s Sandy’s favourite art form? What do her teachers and classmates say and think? Was she once good at it? Why? T: Please retell Sandy’s story according to this mind map. 【设计意图:通过构建思维导图,帮助学生理清文章结构并搭建写作支架,为接下来的写作做准备。】 T: Mo Yan says he is a person who likes telling stories. Listen! What is he saying? 【设计意图:学生分析并欣赏范文中精彩的句子,再利用莫言的演讲巩固以上重点短语和句式,并为下面学生的口头表达讲故事作示范 ... ...

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