
牛津译林版英语九上Unit7 Films Reading (I) 教案+课件(2份打包)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:2281133Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    《 英语》(九年级上册) Unit 7 Films Reading (I) I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Learn about Audrey Hepburn’s acting career and achievements beyond the film industry during her life. 2. Learn how to describe a person’s life in the order of time. 3. Develop their abilities of reading, like guessing the word meanings from the context. 4. Be engaged in class activities and realize that beauty is based not only on one’s face but also in the heart. II. Teaching contents Getting information about Hepburn’s life and improving the reading abilities III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Understand Hepburn’s acting career and achievements beyond the film industry during her life. 2. How to guess the word meanings from the context. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Pre-reading Free talk T: Do you like watching films? What’s your favourite film? Who’s your favourite actor/ actress? S: … T: My favourite film is called “Roman Holiday”. Look at the poster. It’s a romantic film about a young princess and a reporter. Look at this beautiful lady. Do you know who played the role of the princess? ( 赫本的图片飘然而至) Audrey Hepburn is one of my favourite actresses. T: What do you think of her when you first see her? S: She’s very beautiful/ sweet/ lovely… T: Yes, she’s a great beauty. (板书 a great beauty) Do you know anything about Audrey Hepburn? Does she only have beauty on her face? 【设计意图:激活学生的背景知识,为导入奥黛丽·赫本的介绍做好铺垫。】 2. Predicting T: This class we’re going to learn an article about her. Let’s look at the title———Hollywood’s all-time best—Audrey Hepburn”. What does it want to tell us? T: What do you want to know about her? S1: Where was she born? S2: When was she born? S3: When did she die? S4: What films did she act in? S5: What achievements did she get? S6: How did she succeed? S7: Who helped her succeed? S8: Why did so many people love her? …  Let’s look at the first paragragh of the text. (屏幕呈现下列句子) “Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses. When she died in 1993, the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.”  T: From this, you may know why people loved Hepburn so much. Hepburn was a great beauty. You can feel her beauty and charm from these pictures, right? Then why do people think she is a great actress and one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses? Why is she called “a great humanitarian” ? You may get what you want to know by reading. 【设计意图:紧扣课题及课文第一段的内容,引导学生对文本内容进行预测和思考,读前有效的预测能使学生成为积极的阅读者。】 Step 2 While-reading 1. Task One: Skim the text and circle the words or phrases about time. T: Let’s follow the order of time and try to know about Hepburn’s life. Please circle the words about time in the text first. S: 4 May, 1929→as a child →after World War Ⅱ→ i ... ...

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