
牛津译林版英语九上Unit8 Detective stories Grammar 教案+课件(2份打包)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:13次 大小:6026829Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    《英语》(九年级上册) Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:? 1. understand what is relative clauses; 2. learn to use relative pronouns that, which and who correctly. II. Teaching contents 1. The definition of relative clauses. 2. The differences among the relative pronouns that/ which/ who. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Learn to use that, which and who to introduce relative clauses. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (1) T: Free talk-What do you usually do to relax yourself? (2) T: I like reading novels. My favourite novel is Harry Potter. Have you ever read them? What do you think of them? (3) T: They are popular among teenagers. They are popular novels. They are novels which/ that are popular among teenagers. (4) T: We use adjectives to describe someone or something. But when we need a sentence to describe someone or something, we use a relative clause. A defining relative clause describes the noun before it. 【设计意图:从学生生活发掘素材,以Harry Potter为切入点引入定语与定语从句的概念,通过比较,使学生一目了然。同时,为接下来进一步使用which/ that讨论喜爱的小说类型提供范本。】 Step 2 Presentation T: Harry Potter is a science fiction. What is your favourite kind of novel? (kung-fu novels/ network novels/ detective novels/ romance fiction) Why do you like it so much? T: Can you express your idea in the sentence like this? I like reading novels which/ that _____. Free-talk Some of you like reading detective novels. Do you know any famous detectives in the novels? (Conan/ Sherlock Holmes) How much do you know about them? 4. T: Conan is a detective in a cartoon series. He is famous all over the world. Conan is a detective in a cartoon series who/ that is famous all over the world. 5. T: Can you say something more about Conan and Holmes by using who/ that? 6. Work out the rules: Who, which and that can be used as relative pronouns. That and which refer to things. That and who refer to people. 【设计意图:以小说为导线,讨论学生所熟悉的两大侦探,通过brainstorming呈现信息,学会使用who/ that 进行表达。】 Step3 Practice T: Since you are so interested in detective stories, let’s play a matching game. You will read more information about detective novels. Can you match them correctly? T: Boys and girls, do you still remember the West Town murder case? It has been solved successfully. Now, a reporter wants to write a report about it. Can you help him to collect all the information? Part I: Information about the case A report on the West Town murder case Part II: Solving the crime Part I: Information about the case T: It’s a good idea to make a list of all the information about the murder, the victim and the suspect. Let’s have a group competition. The more, the better. T: Can you join the two sentences together? Murder: happened in West Town took place between 9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning Victim: was a computer engineer ... ...

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