
7B Chapter 1 Encyclopaedia 课件[下学期]

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:23次 大小:1864574Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Chapter 1 Encyclopaedia 1. Reading 2. Listening and Writing 3. Language pointsWarm up : Say something about the Encyclopaedia as possible as you can.Part 1: ReadingDisscussionWhat do you know about…?If you have read some stories about dinosaurs; Diogenes and Walt Disney, try the following quizYou can find dinosaurs in zoos. A. Ture B. False 2. There are no dinosaurs left in the world. A. Ture B. False 3. Ancient men ate dinosaurs. A. Ture B. False 4. Which two words do you use to describle the dinosaurs eating meat? A. fierce B. gentle C. harmful D. small5. Diogenes, a famous thinker, came from Greece. Greece is a country in _____ . A. Africa B. Europe C. Asia 6. People go to Disneyland for _____ . A. study B. sport C. fun 7. Walt Disney was ____ . A. an American B. an Australian C. a European BCA8. Which was not created by Walt Disney ?a. Mickey Mouse b. Donald Duck c. Monkey King sixty million years ago/ small / huge / fierce / gentle / harmfulSomething more about Dinosaurs :-- Diogenes -- 412-323 BC -- Greece, Europe -- famous, thinkerSomething more about Diogenes :-- Disneyland -- Walt Disney, American -- cartoon charactersDisneyland in AmericaDisneyland in Hong KongSomething more about Disney :New words and expressions: Please find the following words in the passage and make sure you know the meaning of them. 1. article: (n.) 2. encyclopaedia: (n.) →encyclopaedic(adj.) 3. exist: (v.) 4. human beings:(n.) 5. harmless: (adj.) → (n.)harm; (adj.)harmful do harm to… be harmful to… 6. gentle: (adj.) 7. fight: (v.) 8. fiercely: (adv.) →(adj.) fierce; (n.) fierceness 9. unlike: (prep.) 10. skeleton: (n.) 11. footprint: (n.)文章; 冠词 百科全书百科全书的存在人类无害的 温驯 打架、打斗、斗争凶猛地不像骨骼,骸骨脚印 1. thinker: (n.) 2. Greek: (adj./ n.) →(n.) Greece 3. jar: (n.) 4. kneel: (v.) →(n.) knee 5. fountain: (n.) 6. amusement: (n.) →amuse (v.); amusing (adj.)Please find the following words in the passage about Diogenes and make sure you know the meaning of them.思想家希腊的,希腊人希腊坛子跪下,跪着泉水娱乐,消遣 1. create:(v.) →creation(n.); creator(n.); creative(adj.) 2. cartoon:(n.) 3. character:(n.) 4. deliver:(v.) →(n.) delivery; delivererPlease find the following words in the passage about Disney, Walt and make sure you know the meaning of them.创作、创造卡通、 动画片(小说、戏剧中的)人物分发、 递送Please give the words for the pictures:kneelingfootprintcartoonsskeletonsa jarmailan amusement park 1. MAY: Did dinosaurs live on Earth before people? DANNY: Yes,they _____ (lived) much earlier than people. Find words in the articles to complete the following.The words must be similar in meaning to the words in brackets.The first one is done as an example.existed 2. MAY: Were all dinosaurs_____ (causing hurt or harm)? DANNY: No,many were_____ (not causing hurt or harm). 3.MAY: Why was diogenes happy? DANNY: Because he_____ (had as his belongings)so few things. harmfulharmlessowned 4. MAY: What did Walt Disney do after h ... ...

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