
三年级英语上册教案 module5 unit2(外研版)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:51次 大小:13776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Unit 2 Nine girls Purpose: Knowledge aim: New words and the expressions Ability aim: Train them to ask and answer then speak out the numbers from one to twelve . Ideological aim: Improve the students’ appreciation. Main points: New words, new pattern, the text and a chant , a song. Difficult points: How many boys /girls Twelve. The song and chant. Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder , projector. Teaching process: Step One: Greeting with students. T: Are you ready for our English class S:Yes . T: Morning, everyone. S: Morning, sunny. T: How are you today S: I’m fine ,thank you, and you T: Very well, thanks. Sit down, please. S: Thank you. T: You’re welcome. Step Two: Representation T: Let’s listen to a song. Please clap your hands.(学生办着节奏拍手对要新学的歌曲先听,会打下良好的基础,第二遍边打节奏边打手势加深对歌词的理解。) T: wonderful! Now I want to find some pupils come to the front .Who wants (找 12 个孩子站到前面) T: look, how many Let’s count ,ok (学生跟着老师一起数 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.) T: Very good .Let’s count again. Ss: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.(再让学生自己数一遍,并给与肯定增强自信心) Step Three: New course A. New words T: Let’s have a race .if you can say the numbers stand up please .(适时的开展比赛,可以提高学生学习的积极性,又培养了学生的竞争意识,课堂气氛活儿不乱,学生也会全员参与到活动中来) S: (They all say the numbers loudly and quickly, they feel very happy) b. Listen, say and do actions T: All of you are the best .Now look at the pupils ,(老师把学生分成男女两组,指其中一组They are boys .再指另外一组They are girls.) Ss: Boys Girls boys girls (多重复几次,加深印象,并能正确的区分) T: look at the boys !one boy ,two boys ,three boys……seven boys. How many boys S1: seven boys. T: let’s count the girls. One girl , two girls ,……five girls. How many girls (还可用眼神和动作来引导学生自己提问试着去说how many girls 培养它们自己去思考问题的能力) S2 : Five girls. S3 : Five girls.(将语言学习与生活实际相结合,创造了轻松愉悦的学习氛围,使孩子们很自然地将注意力集中到英语课堂上。) T: Let’s play again .who can come here Ss: I can I can… Ss: I can. T: Let’s count together . How many boys and girls One ,two, three……twelve.(强调12的发音,多读几次,打好语音基础) T: You are so smart! How many boys and how many girls S1: Four boys and eight girls. (According to the pronunciation training, all of them can ask and answer very quickly. They feel very happy and confident because they can speak very fluently and loudly.) T: Ok, let’s have a rest. Listen and say a chant. ( show the projector ,listen to the recorder two times. ask the pupils listen , point and follow.) T: Let’s clap our hands and speak . T:(read the chant team by team or boys and girls ) 用不同的方式操练新授单词,使单一枯燥的单词操练于各种变化之中,让学生饶有兴趣的参与学习,让学生充分感到学习、记忆单词的快乐,体验有方法学习 ... ...

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