
广东省揭阳市普宁市2015-2016学年高一下学期期末学业水平测试英语试题 Word版含答案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:98次 大小:34804Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2015-2016学年度高中一年级学业水平考试 英语科试题卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A When I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings. Week by week her list grew: I was very thin; I wasn’t a good student; I talked too much; I was too proud, and so on. I tried to bear all these as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes. He listened to me qui etly. Then he asked, “Are the things she says true or not Janet, didn’t you ever wonder what you’re really like Well, you now have that girl’s opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.” I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t change (like being very thin), but a good number I could—and suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I got a fairly clear picture of myself. I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it. “That’s just for you,” he said. “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears in anger and feeling hurt. When something said about you is true, you’ll find it will be of help to you. Our world is full of people who think they know your duty. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do.” Daddy’s advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, I’ve never had a better piece of advice. 1. What does “Week by week her list grew” mean A. Week by week she discovered more shortcomings of mine. B. Week by week the paper was filled with my shortcomings. C. Week by week I was having more and more shortcomings. D. Week by week my shortcomings grew more and more serious. 2. Why did her father listen to her quietly A. Because he bel ieved that what her daughter’s “enemy” said was mostly true. B. Because he had been so angry with his daughter’s shortcomings. C. Because he kne w that his daughter would not listen to him at that moment. D. Because he wasn’t quite sure which girl was telling the truth. 3. What did the father do after he had heard his daughter’s complaint A. He told her not to pay any attention to what her “enemy” had said. B. He criticized her and told her to overcome her shortcomings. C. He told he r to write down all that her “enemy” had said about her and pay attention only to the things that were true. D. He refused to take the list and did not show any interest in it. 4. Which do you think would be the best title for this passage A. Not an En emy, but the Best Friend B. The Best Advice I’ve Ever Had C. My Father D. My Unforgettable Childhood B Starting the day on an egg could keep your blood pressure(血压) unde ... ...

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