
2017年春新目标八年级英语下册Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents导学案(7课时)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:13次 大小:933352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 Section B 3a-self check page32 信丰七中 王小玉 学习目标: 1) 复习 though, as soon as, so …that 等词的用法。 掌握生词 perhaps。 2) 能够用英语表达自己的建议,并就自己所熟知的 问题发表看法。 课型:练习 学习策略:练习 需要准备哪些教具: 输入: 输出: 每日小组与个人积分表: 预习 展示 点评 质疑 积分 3) 能用本单元所学的语言简单表达对困难的一些建议。 学习笔记: 重点内容:1) 能运用所学的语言知识来简单地表达自己 对某一困难问题的看法和建议。 2)总结本单元所学到的重点词组及句型。 3)复习总结 unless, as soon as, so that 等词的用法,并能 完成相关练习题。 学习难点:运用所学的语言知识来写一封简短的信,表 达自己对学生上课外辅导班这一社会现象的看法。 单词及短语:agree,disagree,in my opinion, 重点句型:I believe it’s better if.... why don’t you wait for a few More days before talking to her 语法点:提建议的表达 导入:why do you take after-school classes 学习过程: 1.热身 Do you agree or disagree 2.呈现新知:why ,give your reasons 3.(写前):Ss talk with their partners about these views. 4.(写中):learn the useful phrases and sentences 写作指导: 本文为写自己对课后辅导班的看法,故应为议论文。 因此,人称为第一人称;时态应用一般现在时态; 首先,应开门见山地描述课后辅导班这一社会现象。 然后,明确表明自己的看法,是支持还是不支持。 接下来再用表格中所给的句型结构,一一列举自己的 二次备课: 想法或原因。 Ss try to write a short article by themselves. Walk around the class and give any help Ss may need. Let some Ss read their letters and correct them. .(写后):One possible version I don’t agree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. It’s not good for a child’s development. In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too.I think it’s better that parents shouldn’t compare their children with other children. It’s crazy and not fair. .学生展示: Work on Self check 课堂反馈与检测: 一、选词填空。 perhaps, skill, opinion, continue, push, compare, crazy, usual, typical, cause Careless driving often accident. Twelve o’clock is the time to have lunch. He is a writer of great . It was of you to skate on such thin ice. In my , people shall not smoke in public places. If you the two cars, you’ll find them very alike. Will you help me to up the window It’s a Italian restaurant. Please what you were doing before I came in. I’d like to go away, France or somewhere. 课外作业: 根据下列提示写一篇文章。 你和张莉是朋友、同桌, 昨天英语测试,她想抄袭,被你拒绝;想查字典,又被你阻 止。她很生气,你也很伤心。你决定下周找她好好谈谈你对这事的想法和观点,并希望 今后你们能够互相帮助,共同进步。 预习任务:准备下节课有关问题的回答:What were you doing 英语谚语:Life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。学习目标: Unit4 Section A 3a-3c 27 课型:阅读 学习策略:阅读并回答问题 需要准备哪些教具: 1) 阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。 2)了解在如果生活中发生了一些不尽如人意的问题,应 当如何面对理性地去解决。 重点内容: 1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) ... ...

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