
2017年春新目标八年级英语下册Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains导学案(6课时)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:82次 大小:798345Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 6 SectionB1 1a -1d Page45 学习目标:1.用动词过去式讲述熟悉的童话故事。 2.了解讲故事的常用模式,如 once upon a time. 重点内容: The emperor’s new clothes《皇帝的新装》 学习难点: 动词过去式的规则变化和不规则变化。 单词:gold,silk,nobody,stupid,cheat 短语:try to do sth . Sound stupid, make special clothes for have to,cheat sb. of sth. 重点句型: Nobody wanted to sound stupid. They were trying to cheat the emperor. 语法点: 1.识记并运用本课所学的单词、短语、句型 2.状语从句的用法。 导入:你听过哪些童话故事? 你能说说《皇帝的新装》的故事梗概? 学习过程: 1.热身: --Can you tell me a story from Europe --Do you know a story named The Emperor’s New Clothes 学生之间相互讨论并邀请若干学生为大家讲讲。 2.呈现新知: 从学生阐述的故事中提炼出生词,完成 1a。 学生合作谈论,复习已知的单词,接触未知的生词。 3.(听)前: 结合图片,预测故事的大概过程 课型:听说 学习策略:自主、合作学习 需要准备哪些教具:挂图、PPT、 录音机 输入:语文课学过的童话故事 输出:学生分组讲故事 每日小组与个人积分表: 预习 展示 点评 质疑 积分 学习笔记: 二次备课: 4.(听)中: 看图和文字,给图片排序 5.(听)后: 跟读并复述其中一段,完成 1c 的填空练习。 6.学生展示: 小组点评,核对答案,并提炼出故事中的知识点,如 try to do sth . sound stupid, make special clothes for sb,have to,cheat sb. of sth.,师再重点讲解。 课堂反馈与检测: 一.动词填空。 Nobody wanted (sound) stupid. This beautiful story is about a girl who (be) Poor but kind. 3Two brothers came to the city_ (make)special clothes for the emperor. 4.They were trying (cheat) the emperor. 5When he (wake) up,his favorite TV show was on. 二.单项选择. ( )6Jim’s family made a surprising party_ him. A to B for C at D on ( )7Thi is a story about a man who loved clothes. A buying and look B bought and looked C bought and looking D buying and looking ( )8-What about the food on the plate -It delicious. A smelling B smelt C smells D is smelt ( )9.The little girl has a very beautiful and sweet . noise B voice C.sound ( )10.I didn’t go to bed 11o’clock. A.after B.or C.because D.until. 老师小结: 课外作业:和同学们之间互相用英语讲述《皇帝的新装》,并试着讲讲其他的童话故事 预习任务: 查资料了解话剧这种文体的特点。 英语谚语: Beauty lies in the love‘s eyes.情人眼里出西施。Unit6 Section B2 2a -2e Page46~47 学习目标: 1.引导学生了解话剧这种新文体。 2.运用关联词进行讲故事和学会表达自己的感受和想法。 学习难点: 话剧里的每个场景 单词: husband,whole,shine,bright,ground,lead,voice,brave 短语:make a plan to do sth .try to do sth . As soon as ,wake up , not…until 重点句型: 1.One year,the weather was so dry that no food would grow. 2.Unless we o,we won’t find our way out. 3.When the moon is shining bright, we’ll be able to see stones. 4.As soon as the moon rises,we can follow them instead. 语法点:状语从句的用法 导入: 导入本课童话故事的话题,然后询问学生: --Do you know what other fairy tales 学生讨论并分别点学生发言,比较所给的答案 学习过程: 1.热身: 根据上面的导入,重点讨论几部常见的童话故事,如 Sleeping Beauty,Cinderella,Little Red Riding ... ...

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