
Unit 4 My friends 第二课时教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:73次 大小:120196Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 My friends 教案 课时2 1教学目标 1 通过Listen and enjoy 的儿歌朗读等活动帮助学生熟练掌握Look and learn中所学的四个形容词。 2 通过Say and act栏目的角色扮演活动来帮助学生巩固新句型。 3 让学生通过猜谜语活动来运用新句型。 4 让学生制作表格,在真实的语境中运用所学语言,完成向别人介绍自己朋友的任务。 2教学重难点 学时重点 He’s/ She’s… Is he/ she.. 学时难点 He’s/ She’s… Is he/ she.. 3教学活动 活动1【导入】 让学生欣赏Listen and enjoy儿歌,教师同步用多媒体呈现一组two fat boys和另一组 two thin girls的图片和单词。可以给学生看更 多的图片并示范说出词组,让学生举一反三操练。 T. Show the picture of two fat boys Ss: Two fat boys. T: (show the picture of two thin girls) Two thin girls. Ss: Two thin girls. T. (show more pictures of children) Ss: Two tall boys./Two short girls./... 活动2【讲授】 教师在黑板上画出课本中的人物轮廓(如Peter, Joe),让学生通过提问猜测你画的是谁。 T: (draw a picture of Joe) Who is he S1: Joe T: Yes, he is. This is Joe. T: (draw a picture of Peter) Who is he S2: Ben T: No, he isn't. S3: Is he Peter T= Yes, he is. This is Peter. 诸一名学生上来代替教师开展上述活动,通 过活动学习句型。 活动3【活动】 播放Say and act中对人物描述部分的录音,让学生猜一猜是谁。 (Recording): He's my friend. He's tall. S1: Is he Peter T: No, he isn't. S2: Is he Ben T: No, he isn't. S3: Is he Joe T: Yes, he is. 然后让学生朗读对话,请几组学生上来表演对话。 活动4【练习】 猜人游戏。描述班上的某一个学生,让学生 通过不断提问的方式猜测你描述的人是谁。 T: She's in our class. S1: Is she tall T: No, she isn't. S2: Is she fat T: No, she isn't. S3: Is she… T: Yes, she is./No, she isn't. She's… 让学生四人一组,在小组中开展上述游戏。一人先选定一个对象并描述,其余三人通过提 问猜测他(她)描述的人是谁。+ S1: He's in our class. S2: Is he tall S1: Yes. he is. S3: Is he thin S1: No, he isn't. S4: Is he… S1: Yes, he is./No, he isn't. 活动5【测试】 学生轮流上台,利用调查的信息,向全班同学介绍某同学的两位好朋友。鼓励基础较好的学生适当拓展—下语言。 S1: This is…She's…’S friend. She's short and thin. This is He's friend too. He's tall and fat. 活动6【作业】 完成课后作业

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