
Unit 2 My family PA Let’s spell 课件+教案+素材

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:33次 大小:18230296Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    Listen to the words and find the letters. (听单词发音,找字母) e, k, n, y g, j, e, k t, p, e, l b, f, e, d t, h, s, e, bListen to the words and find the letters. (听单词发音,找字母) e, k, n, y g, j, e, k t, p, e, l b, f, e, d t, h, s, e, bPEP Book2 Unit2 A Let’s spell Step 1 Warm-up Let’s chant. (Pronunciation) Have a race. (T: bag Ss: / b / / / / g/, T: dad Ss: / d / / / / d/ , cat, hand. ) (设计意图:既复习了语音,也复习了前一单元学的四会单词,同时为crab 的引出作铺垫。) Step 2 Presentation 1.Crab c, r, a, b / k / / r / / / / b / crab What colour is it Red. How many legs Ten legs. What’s under it Yes, it’s an egg. (red, ten, leg, yes, egg) 2. Crab has a new friend: elephant Welcome. How old are you, elephant Seven. What’s on the elephant’s nose A pencil box. What colour is it Yellow. What’s in the pencil-box A pencil and a pen. (elephant, welcome, seven, yellow, pencil box, pen, pencil) (设计意图:通过图片一步步带出以前学过的含有字母e的单词。) 3. Practice a. Read the words twice: red, ten, leg, yes, egg, elephant, welcome, seven, yellow pencil box, pen, pencil (设计意图:跟读单词,感受一下这些单词的发音相同点。) b. Looking for the rule The same letter e: red, ten, leg, yes, egg, elephant, welcome, seven, yellow, pencil box, pen, pencil (设计意图:让学生找到规律,这些单词中有字母e,且描红的字母e发音相同/ e/。) c. Read the words again: e / e/ red, e / e/ ten…. (设计意图:老师再次领读单词,学生充分感知字母e在这些单词中的发音。) d. Read the words in pairs. 4. Challenge a. Read the new words web net beg mess (设计意图:学生根据语音拼读法读出新单词,达到灵活运用的目的。) b. listen to the words and find the letters wet bed best (设计意图:这个活动有点难度,针对学习程度比较好的学生拟订,听老师报单词,学生找组成这个单词的字母。) 5. Tongue twister Ten legs are red. On the egg. Welcome elephant, it’s seven. Yellow pencil-box on the nose. Pen, pencil in the pencil-box. Yes, yes, yes. (设计意图:上面的拓展学生做的好,老师作为奖励,送这首小诗给他们。把前面含有字母e的单词整合起来进行绕口令,以此巩固/ e /的发音。) 6. Spell the four-skill words T: / r / / e / / d / Ss: red. (设计意图:老师说语音,学生报字母的形式来拼单词,学生更容易记住单词。) T write down on the board. 7. Open the book and copy the words. 8. Listen and circle, check the answer. Step3 Extension A little knowledge The pronunciation of letter e in these words: he we she me 2. Let’s sing. Read, choose and write. leg, pen, teacher, red, boy, ten How old are you I’m _____years old. Look at me. This is my _____. What’s that It’s a _____. My bag is _____. 红色 Step4 Homework Copy the four-skill words four times. Read the sentences to your parents.(课件网) Unit2 My family A Let’s spell Aa / / Bb / b / Cc / k / Dd / d / Ee / e / Ff / f / Gg / g / Hh / h / Ii / ai / Jj / d / Kk / k / Ll / l / Mm / m / Nn / n / Oo / / Pp / p / Qq / kw/ Rr / r / Ss / s / Tt / t / Uu /∧/ Vv / v / Ww / w/ Xx / ks / Yy /j / Zz / z / a ... ...

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