
鲁教版六年级英语下册:Unit 5 How do you get to school?Section B (1a-1e)(课件+教案+练习+反思+分析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:13351092Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课后反思 1.本节课以How do you get to school 为中心话题,贴近学生生活,我在教学设计中,选择创设与主题相关的尽可能真实的任务,新课标倡导任务型教学,让学生在完成任务的过程中体验成功,所以我采用了任务型的教学方法,任务的设置由浅入深,由易到难,有第一人称再到第三人称,分层次推进,从而激发各个层面的学生积极参与课堂,充分调动学生学习英语的主动性和积极性,培养学生用英语进行交际的能力。 2.注重小组合作。在练习How do yo u get to school 句型,尤其是在换乘交通工具时,让学生先在小组内讨论,练习,两个人明确分工,他们精彩的表演反馈出他们合作的成功与喜悦。小组学习的目的是在有限的时间内,让每一个学生都主动参与学习,让学生在自主学习中得到发展树立信心,养成良好的习惯形成有效的学习策略。我认为,小组学习最大的优点在于,培养了学生们的合作精神,使他们学会了与他人合作,具备了合作完成问题的能力。设计一个survey,让学生进行小组合作,把学到的两个句型结合到一起,即练习了学生听说能力,又落实了笔头训练,真正把它运用到实际中去。 3.通过使用多媒体教学,尤其是向学生展示喜 闻乐见的明星图片,极大地调动了学生的积极性,让学生把所学脱口而出,不但操练了句型,也使,课堂生动活泼,增加了教学容量。基本按照新课标的要求让学生成为课堂的主体,听、说、读、写都融入到了课堂中,(课件网) Unit 5 How do you get to school ride my bike walk --How does he/she get to school --He/She takes the…. 10 minutes half an hour 1 hour 25 minutes A:How does Cheng Long get to the cinema B:He takes ….. to the cinema. A:How far is it from…to… B:It’s about … kilometers A:How long does it take B:It takes him …. to get to the cinema. cinema 2 kilometers 10 kilometers 20 kilometers 25 kilometers bus stop bus station [st p] subway station train station a c d First,I walk to the subway station. Then I take the subway to school. very far bike car train plane subway 挑战自己,我能行 --First I take .... Then I …. bus --How do you get to school A: How does Mr Green get to Beijing B: First, he … to … C: Next, he … to … D: At last he … How does Tom get to the Mountain Putuo First,he….to… Then,she…to… At last,she…to… 1d Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparents’ home Check 1 or 2 below. 1c Listen and check the things that Mary wants to know. Mary wants to know …. __ where Bob lives. __ how far he lives from his grandparents’ home. __ how he gets to his grandparents’ home. __ how long it takes to get to his grandparents’ home. __ what he thinks of the trip. M: I love your home ,Bob. It’s so big . B: Thanks, Mary .My grandparents’ home is very big ,too. M: Where do they _____ B: Very ____ _____ my home . M : Oh, how far B: It’s about five _____ kilometers from here. M : Well, that’s far . B: Yes, it is. So I go there to see my grandparents only one or two _____ a year . M: How do you get there B: I usually _____ the train . M: _____ _____ does it take B: It _____ about six hours ,and _____ I take the bus _____ the train station _____the home . M: Well, that’s a _____ trip . live far from hundred times take How long takes then to from long 听力 ... ...

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