
浙江中职《英语》Unit 3 Learning English

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:21次 大小:1045524Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Unit 3 Learning EnglishLesson nineradio TV movie newspaper magazine ……Sign(标志)禁止吸烟 有毒/毒品 危险中国制造出口 紧急求救信号 A.人行道关闭,请走另一边. B.停车,请系好你的安全带。 C.道路封闭。 D.前方道路施工。ABCDA. can’t pronounce(发音) the words correctly(正确地).B. can’t understand the grammar(语法).C. can’t remember all the words.D. can’t catch what others say.E. can’t read all the phonetic symbols(音标).15151614just so-sovery poornot very goodDABCEF._____Listen and imitate? love run come must other her first bird earth dirty about doctor brother teacher over no grow road nose slow /?? / /? //? // 3: / /?? / Listen and chantGo, my little pony, go! Go, go, go! Go, my little pony, go! Go, go, go! Gallop, pony, gallop, go! Gallop, gallop, go! Go, my little pony, go! Go, my little pony, go! Go, go, go!快跑,我的小马驹,快跑。 快跑,快跑,快跑, 快跑,我的小马驹,快跑。 快跑,快跑,快跑, 快跑,小马驹,快跑,快跑。 快跑,快跑,快跑。 快跑,我的小马驹,快跑。 快跑,我的小马驹,快跑。 快跑,快跑,快跑。 Go to English cornerA:Hi, _____ you a new student? B: Yes,_____. My name is LIlei. A: Welcome to our English corner. I’m Wang Ling. Nice to _____ ,Li Lei. B: Nice to _____,Wang Jun. A: Can we _____ something in_____? B: _____, my English is no t very _____. A: Don’t _____. I can _____ you. B: _____.AreI ammeet youmeet youtalk aboutEnglishsorrygoodworryhelpThank youTips for learning English (1) Read as much as you can. We learn English from reading. (2) Listen to English songs and watch English movies. This is the funniest way! (3) Speak English with your friends and teachers as much as possible. (4)Write letters, email, and notes in English as often as possible. (5) Dictionary is a good teacher! Buy a dictionary. (6)Always love English. Interest is the best teacher of all! (7)Make study a habit. Learn English every day. ? 尽量多读。我们从阅读中学习英语。听英文歌曲、看英文电影。这是最有趣的方法。经常用英语写信、电子邮件和便条。要一直热爱英语。兴趣是最好的老师。使学习成为习惯。每天学习英语。尽量多与你的朋友、老师说英语。?字典是一位好的老师。买本字典。canopen our eyes.make us more excellent.make our life more wonderful.English Let’s learn English hard from now on!Why not learn English well?HomeworkRemember the new words and finish the workbook. Surf on the internet or read the paper to learn more English signs. What’s your problem with learning English? According to your problems, make a plan to solve them and improve your English.Thanks GoodbyeIf we learn English well, what can we do?booksmusicmoviefriendcollegemoneytravel……If we learn English well, we can read more wonderful books. And we can get more knowledge…….A. can’t pronounce the words correctly.B. can’t understand the grammar.C. can’t remember all the words.D. can’t catch what others say.E. can’t read all the phonetic symbols.F._____ Now four students in a group. Help one student make a study plan to improve English. Group work:(name) can’t remember all ... ...

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