
Unit 5-1 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero warm up 课件与教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:7715241Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 邱尚瑛 教学目标 Look at the pictures please ! Think over what is the passage about. 教学目标 Look at the pictures please ! Think over what is the passage about. 教学目标 1. What qualities we should have 2. Who do you admire in your heart 3. Can you name some of the famous people 4. Do you think these people in the pictures are great men 5. What can we learn from the people in the pictures Answer these questions 教学目标 1. What qualities we should have Answer these questions I think we should have good qualities, such as hard-working, determined, reliable, brave, generous, wise, active, devoted, friendly, kind, honest ... 教学目标 2. Who do you admire in your heart Answer these questions I admire the great men / women or hero / heroine, Dengjiexian, Qian Xuesen, Lei Feng, Qiu Shaoyu, Yang Liwei, for example. 3. Can you name some of the famous people Isaac Newton, Madam Curie, Albert Einstein, Alexander Fleming, Stephen William Hawking, Yuan Longping, Tu Youyou, Lang Ping ... 教学目标 4. Do you think these people in the pictures are great men Answer these questions Yes, I think so. They are all very great men. 5. What can we learn from the men in the pictures We should learn their good qualities from them. We should be hard-working, generous, determined, reliable, brave, wise, active, devoted, friendly, kind, honest. 教学目标 The topic -- the great men and the famous persons. 1. Are all famous people great people 2. What is the difference between a famous and a great person 3. What kind of person can be called a great people 4. Are these famous people also great people Why 5. Why do you think William Tidal is a great person 教学目标 The topic -- the great men and the famous persons. 6. Now, look at Doctor Bethune. What do you think of him 7. Now, let’s come to Sun Yat-sen. What do you think of him 8. Now, look at Mahatma Gandhi. What do you know about him Was he a great man 9. The next one is Nelson Mandela, all of us know him. I suppose you can say something about him. 10. Next is the astronaut Neil Armstrong, What do you know about him 教学目标 Asking and answering No, I don’t think so. Most great people are also famous people, but famous people may not be great people. 1. Are all famous people great people 教学目标 2. What is the difference between a famous and a great person A famous person may be well-known but if he or she has not gone through struggles and difficulties for their noble cause, they can not be called a great person. For example, many film stars are very famous, but some of them are not great. Asking and answering 教学目标 3. What kind of person can be called a great person A great person has good qualities. He/She is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others. He/She should be devoted, determined, generous, hard-working, unselfish, brave. He should follow his ideas and never lo ... ...

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