
Unit 5 Rhythm Let’s Dance--reading

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:74次 大小:416338Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。readingLet’s Dancevocabularyen-cy-clo-pe-dia encyclopedia n.百科全书 or-di-na-ry ordinary adj.平常的,普通的 ge-ne-ra-tion generation n.代,一代 u-nique unique adj.独特的,唯一的 no-ble noble adj.贵族的,高贵的 n.贵族 ball-room ballroom n. 舞厅,跳舞场 im-mi-grant immigrant adj. 移民的,移居的 tan-go tango n. 探戈舞 pea-cock peacock n. 孔雀 vocabularywaltz n. 华尔兹舞 type n. 类型,种类 skip v. 跳,蹦 tap dancing 踢踏舞 sword n. 剑 Swan Lake (芭蕾舞剧)天鹅湖 back and forth  往返,来回discoDo you remember these?classical balletChinese folk dancewaltzbreakdanceListen to the music extracts and identify the dances in the box.E.g. I Chinese folk dance II _____ III _____ IV _____ V _____classical balletwaltzbreakdancediscoRead the text quickly. Where is it from?A newspaper A traditional encyclopedia (百科全书) A magazine A CD ROM encyclopedia Tip: Please look at the layout (版面)!Put the sentences below in the correct gaps in the text. Use the Strategies to help you.a) In the mid-1980s, breakdancing became popular. b) They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couples. c) Other kinds of folk dances are the sword dance and the colourful peacock dance. d) One of the most famous ballets is called “Swan Lake”. e) In the 1960s, people danced without touching their partner. Blank 5Blank 3Blank 2Blank 1Blank 4e.g. Blank (1) -- Sentence dAnalysis: 1. Topic: Para 1 and Sentence d both talk about ballet. 2. Word connection: “Other… Another…”Blank (2) -- Sentence cAnalysis: 1. Topic: Para 2 and Sentence c both talk about folk dance. 2. Word connection: “many different types of folk dance… Other kinds of folk dance…”Blank (3) -- Sentence bAnalysis: 1. Pronoun references: “They” = “Popular or social dances” 2. Picture: “danced in couples” Blank (4) -- Sentence eAnalysis: 1. Time references: “1950s” - “1960s” – “1970s” 2. Word connection: “danced without touching their partner” – “dancing in couples” Blank (5) -- Sentence aAnalysis: 1. Time references: “1960s” – “1970s” – “mid-1980s” 2. Word connection: “breakdancing” – “almost like acrobatics”Read again and answer the questions.1. Who started folk dance? (Folk Dance) Folk dances come from ordinary people. 2. What is the main difference between folk and popular dances? (Popular Dance) Popular dances are usually popular for only a short time.3. What is a ballroom dance that came from folk dance? (Para 2 in Popular Dance) Waltz 4. Why did a lot of new dances come from the United States? (Para 3 in Popular Dance) The mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dances. 5. What type of dancing became popular in the mid-1980s? (Para 4 in Popular Dance) In the mid-1980s, breakdancing became popular. Language pointsBallet art form 艺术形式 L3 “Sleeping Beauty” 《睡美人》L8 “The White-haired Girl” 《白毛女》L12 Folk Dance from one generation to another 一代又一代 L3 be famous for 因某物闻名 L4 the dragon dance, the lion dance L5&6 The sword dance, the pe ... ...

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