
Unit 5-2 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero reading(1)课件与教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:19次 大小:6625450Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新课标英语高一年级课时教学设计 课题 Nelson Mandela -a modern hero - Reading-1 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级 高一 学习目标 通过阅读的预习,学会从篇章中获取主要信息,理解文章内容并学会用自己的语言阐明观点;学会运用重点词汇和句型,领会相关语法现象,正确使用定语从句。能仿造句子自己组织语句并运用恰当的连接词语组织段落,构成篇章。掌握词汇与短语,能够正确使用相关词汇和短语描述伟人、英雄、名人;能与他人讨论与伟人、英雄、名人相关的话题。 重点 学会用本单元所学词汇正确地进行语言交流、讨论相关的话题;正确阐述自己的观点。 难点 能正确谈论与伟人、英雄、名人相关的话题;正确使用定语从句。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Pre-readingLook at the pictures please and answer these questions. 1. Think over what is the passage about when we look at the pictures 2. What do you know about Nelson Mandela 3. Have you ever heard of stories about Nelson Mandela 4. Do you want to know more about Nelson Mandela 5. All of us know that Nelson Mandela is a great man. Please give some reasons.The possible answers:1. Think over what is the passage about when we look at the pictures The passage must be about Nelson Mandela according to the pictures.2. What do you know about Nelson Mandela He was a great leader who fought for the rights of the black people and was considered as a modern hero. He was the first black president and he was honored as "the father of South Africa".3. Have you ever heard of stories about Nelson Mandela Yes, I have. For example, When Mandela went to Hal University in Ford, he met a lifelong friend and good colleague Oliver Tambo. And in the first year of his student’s career in Mandela University, he was involved in the student boycott of school policy. He was asked to drop out of school and was told that he could not go back to school unless he accepted the results of the student union. But he did not yield.4. Do you want to know more about Nelson Mandela Of course, I do. And I know the passage is about him.5. All of us know that Nelson Mandela is a great man. Please give some reasons. He was a very great man because he had the qualities of a great man. He was devoted, generous, unselfish and determined. He liked to help others and to devote his life to fighting for the rights of the black people. 问与答练习。首先同桌相互提问与纳尔逊曼德拉有关的问题并回答。请部分同学在全班做问与答练习。 通过一组与纳尔逊曼德拉有关图片导入新课。通过图片与问题引起学生的学习兴趣与共鸣,使其轻松愉悦地参与到课堂活动中。 讲授新课 I. Fast reading Read the passage, Elias’ Story quickly first, then work in pairs and answer the following questions.1. Who is Elias in the passage 2. When did Elias first met Nelson Mandela 3. Why did Elias meet Nelson Mandela In 1952 4. What help did Nelson Mandela give poor black people 5. Why Elias said the day when Nelson Mandela helped him was one of his happiest day of his life 6. If someone wanted to live in Johannesburg at that time, what must he/she have 7. What did Nelson Mandela org ... ...

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