
Unit 5-3 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero reading(2)课件与教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:8132149Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新课标英语高一年级课时教学设计 课题 Nelson Mandela -a modern hero - Readin-2 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级 高一 学习目标 通过阅读学会从篇章中获取主要信息,理解文章内容并学会用自己的语言阐明观点;学会运用重点词汇和句型,领会语法现象;能仿造句子自己组织语句并运用恰当的连接词语组织段落,构成篇章。掌握词汇与短语,能够正确使用相关词汇和短语描述伟人、英雄、名人;能与他人讨论与伟人、英雄、名人相关的话题。 重点 学会用本单元所学词汇正确地进行交流,讨论相关的话题;正确阐述自己的观点。 难点 能正确谈论与伟人、英雄、名人相关的话题;正确使用定语从句。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Post-readingLast time, we’ve learned the passage of the Elias’ Story, let’s listen to the passage. Now, read the passage aloud before listening.(请同学大声朗读课文) 朗读课文,为听懂课文打好基础。 培养阅读习惯,提高学生的英语能力。 讲授新课 I. Post-readingLook at the pictures please and listen to the passage together without looking at your text book. Then fill in the blanks.首先请同学们在观看图片的同时听一遍课文,尽可能默默地复述所听到的内容。再次听一遍课文,边听课文边跟随幻灯片上的内容填空。1. I am a poor black worker in South Africa. The time _____ Nelson Mandela was a very difficult _____. 2. Mandela was the black lawyer to whom _____. He offered guidance _____ on their legal problems. 3. The school _____ for only two years was three kilometers away. I had to leave because my family could not continue to _____ and the bus fare. 4. This was a _____ one had got to have a _____ to live in Johannesburg. 5. Sadly I did not have it because I was not born there, and I _____ whether I would become _____. 6. He told me _____ the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg. I became more hopeful _____. I never forgot how kind Mandela was. 7. He said:“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws _____ and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have _____ at all.” 8. Black people could not _____ their leaders. They could not _____ they wanted. 9. The parts of town _____ they had to live _____by white people. 10. The places _____ where they were sent to live _____ parts of South Africa. No one could grow food there. 11. …we were put into a position _____ we had either to accept we were _____ or fight the government. 12. We chose to attack the laws. We first broke the law _____ which was peaceful; when this was not allowed…only then did we decide to answer violence _____. 13. _____, I do not like violence… but in 1963 I helped him _____ some government buildings. 14. It was very dangerous because if I _____ I could be put _____. 15. But I was happy _____ because I knew it would help us achieve _____ of making black and white people equal. The answers:1. when I first met period of my life 2. I went for advice to poor black people 3. where I studied pay the school fees 4. time when passbook 5. worried about out of work 6. how to get about my future 7. stopping out rights almost no rights 8 ... ...

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