
重庆大学版高一上册 Unit 1 Learning EnglishLearning Strategies and Habits(共6个课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:21次 大小:1912832Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件29张PPT。 1Theme A Learning to learn1Learning Strategies and HabitsLanguage learningReadingLearning Aimslearn to use skimming(略读), scanning(寻读)in reading. Learn the vocabulary about learning strategies. Learn what a summary is. Learn to write a conclusion(结尾).1Question1: What good ways do you know to help us learn English well?1.Please finish the task 1 in Getting Ready on Page1. Pre-reading12.Tick the tips which can help you to learn English well. If you have other tips please write it downQuestion 2: How to use the skill skimming in reading a passage? 1.Read this passage fast to find out what the this passage is mainly about. 2. How can you get the main idea of the text as quickly as possible? While-reading1Tips: We don’t have to read the whole passage, we just need to read the title, subtitle or topic sentence to get the main idea.Conclusion(小结促学): 1. When we read a passage, we need to find out the main idea first with the help of t_____, s_____ or t_____ sentence. 2. Skimming is a type of rapid reading which is used to get the m____ i_____of a passage.itleubitleopicaindea This text aims to give high school students some _____ to help them learn English well. There are _____ pieces of advice which focus on learning _____, everyday input, building up _____, the sense of _____, learning from others and _____ learning. If you follow these tips, you will find you are making progress and on the way to _____ in English learning.responsibility suggestion enjoy time succeed six vocabularyvocabularysuggestionssixresponsibilitytimeenjoyingsucceed1Question 3 What is a summaryConclusion (小结促学) When we want to find some specific information such as a fact, a date, a name, a statistic etc. in a passage, we can use s_____. Scanning is a reading skill used to locate (find out) the information quickly, _____ (with / without) understanding the whole passage.canningQuestion 4: How to write a conclusion of a passage?112345General- divide?topicmain bodyconclusionA paragraph to sum up the whole text.1Conclusion (小结促学) 1. Summary is a brief statement of the main points of a passage without any comments. 2. A summary often has _____ sentences. The first one is to show the t____ and main a_____ of the passage. The second one is to show the main content b_____. The third one is to draw a conclusion(总结).threeopicimsreifly1) suggestions 2) six 3) vocabulary 4) responsibility 5) time 6) enjoy 7) succeed__ 1) If you spend more time in learning English, you will learn it better. __ 2) Only if you are interested in listening and reading, can you learn English better. __ 3) One way to build up your vocabulary is to pay attention to how a phrase is formed.FFT1Question 4: How to use the skill scanning in reading?Read the passage again and finish the true or false question.Tips: When looking for some specific information, we can use scanning which means use key words to locate(find out) the information__ 4) Teachers can help you a lot, but clas ... ...

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